Signs of Spiritual Maturity #1: Introduction

by Elder Peter Lim

Growing as a Christian is one of the great joys of a Christian’s life. Understanding that we were dead in our sins in which we formerly walked, it ought to be expected that redeemed people would live differently than the world does (Eph. 2). This makes a lot of sense because we are now alive in Christ and no longer slaves to sin. Many non-Christians do not want to become a Christian because it would mean giving up the lifestyle that they want to hold on to so dearly. They understand that if they believe in Christ, their lives will change. In other words, change is expected.

In every Christian’s journey, there are certain signs or indicators by which one can measure progress in our spiritual maturity. This is important because it gives us encouragement that the Holy Spirit is working in our lives. This encouragement lets us know that despite our sinful flesh, God is at work in us (Phil. 1:6). As we grow closer to Christ, we find that more and more of our sins are exposed. Initially we may feel embarrassed or upset and we may even try to shoot the messenger by whom our sins are exposed. But those feelings should quickly turn into recognition that God is at work in our lives. If you never experience this exposure of sins, it could be that you are avoiding fellowship with brothers and sisters and are content to live the life you are living without growing. Then there is no wonder that you are not maturing in Christ. Though you ought to be teachers, are you in need of milk instead of solid food (Heb. 5:12)?

These thoughts lead to a new series that I’m starting here on the Beacon: Signs of Spiritual Maturity. It will be a many-part series on the different ways in which we can measure our progress in becoming more spiritually mature. Believe you me that I haven’t achieved some sort of plateau at which I can look back at where everyone else is. I write these things as one who is in the marathon race alongside you as a fellow runner. But as someone who is on the older end (at least at our church) I hope to encourage you to continue running by pointing out the various milestones that mark our progress together. I am confident that I will recognize even more markers as the years go by because God is the one who is causing the growth. I hope you are looking forward to reading a new article every four weeks on the different Signs of Spiritual Maturity. I know I am looking forward to writing them!