Weekly Links (8/29/2014)

“Knowledge of God without knowledge of man’s wretchedness begets pride, and knowledge of man’s wretchedness without knowledge of God begets despair, but knowledge of Jesus Christ furnishes man knowledge of both simultaneously. ” (William Lane Craig, summarizing Pascal’s Pensees)

by Cesar Vigil-Ruiz

Feliz Friday! This week, different sources continued to produce great output for us believers in this dark world. With that said, here are this week’s links.

  • The Oxford English Dictionary has announced their word of the year: selfie. Nathan Eshelman has a concise and pointed diagnosis of the urge to take selfies.
  • Michael Kruger has begun a series responding to professors who no longer believe in inerrancy, with a contributory piece from Professor Greg Beale, one of the leading defenders of inerrancy contra Peter Enns. His response was to Enns’ interpretation of 1 Corinthians 10:4 about Paul’s mention of the rock that accompanied the Israelites during the wilderness period.
  • For anyone who participated, or plan to participate, in the ALS ice bucket challenge, I’d recommend this important FAQ for you.
  • The events at Ferguson have brought a flurry of responses from many. A sane and helpful perspective comes from former law enforcement officer, pastor, and police chaplain Tony Miano, with his provocative post, “Why Many Police Officers Won’t Enter the Doors of Your Church, Pastor.” At The Cripplegate, seeing riots from a biblical perspective brought back John MacArthur’s message from 20 years ago during the L.A. riots. Much wisdom to glean here.
  • Here’s a telling insight in understanding God’s sovereignty from the life of Job. Do we blame God for evil?
  • Richard Dawkins tweeted that it would be immoral of one who, upon learning their child has Down’s Syndrome, would not abort him or her, given the choice. Much (digital) ink has been spilt in response to Dawkins, but I thought Clinton Wilcox gave some good rebuttals to Dawkins, including Dawkins’ follow up article. Here’s part 1 and part 2
  • Summer’s almost over and schools are starting again. Sammy Rhodes from Desiring God published an article sharing what he believes six things every freshman should know.
  • Don Whitney gives some wisdom for how to view the workplace, no matter where you are, or how (dis)content you may be.

That’s all for this week! Make much of Christ this weekend, and look forward to celebrating the resurrection of Christ on Sunday with one another!

Soli Deo Gloria