Weekly Links (10/11/2014)

Creation is either the result of an eternal, personal, and intelligent being or the accidental effect of eternal, impersonal, and mindless matter with unknowable origins. It should be the life quest of every responsible and thinking individual to determine which account of the cosmos best answers the ultimate questions and sufficiently accounts for our day-to-day lives. (Dan DeWitt, Jesus or Nothing)

by Cesar Vigil-Ruiz

Feliz Friday! Let’s get to this week’s links!

  • Call this an example of the reason we need to engage in apologetics with those whom we may not feel comfortable speaking with. David Wood points to the childhood and, later, the horrendous act of Alton Nolen as an example of someone who was raised in the church, yet abandons the faith and adopts Islam, with an inaccurate understanding of his prior Christian upbringing. Wood answers the objections Nolen raises against Christianity and brings out the apologetic implications of one who was raised in a religious home and left unprepared to handle objections from other religions without a proper understanding of Christian faith, and where it could lead (not that it necessarily leads one to where Nolen went). Very eye-opening.
  • Highlighted this week at Triablogue, Joseph Mizzi, who has a website dedicated to evangelizing Roman Catholics, has written a short book on the issue of justification that looks to be very clear and helpful. Called ‘Right with God,’ Mizzi explains the concept of justification biblically, and the relationship between justification and Christ, the law, grace, and faith. There are no shortages of books on this subject, but there will always be a need to understand this doctrine, even more so to remind us that our faith is a gift of God, not of works.
  • On Monday, the Supreme Court turned down every appeal from a number of states on the issue of same-sex marriage. Al Mohler reminds us that Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia predicted that when the Supreme Court rejected sodomy laws back in 2003, it could lead to the embracing of same-sex marriage, since the moral disapprobation would no longer be there, leading to this week’s news. Ryan Anderson responds with the legal ramifications of upholding lower court laws, and also the way forward. We must pray for the state of our nation and plead with God to bless America with repentance.
  • When it comes to issues of the canon of Scripture, Michael Kruger stands out as a leading evangelical scholar today. On his blog, he responds and refutes an article that argues that the church created the canon, exposing the vacuous objections for what they are. If you have discussed the canon with a Roman Catholic, a Mormon, or even an agnostic, you are bound to discuss this issue. Come prepared.
  • Tim Challies gives six reasons to study doctrine. You’d be surprised at the reasons he gives, and none of them involve being a Bible geek or seminarian (not that there’s anything wrong with that).
  • Though it has been a few years since R.C. Sproul Jr. lost his wife to cancer, he reflects on one of his biggest regrets: not holding her hand more. Husbands, please read this and hold your wife’s hand more.
  • In anticipation of Vern Poythress’ next book, Redeeming Philosophy: A God-Centered Approach to the Big Questions, Poythress calls believers to engage in philosophy as an act of love to those who think they have the answers to the big questions, especially since we actually know the One who created us to ask those questions in the first place. Being a philosophy major certainly draws you to think more deeply about the ultimate issues of life, but if you want a short summary of the ultimate problem in philosophical activity, look no further.
  • If you aren’t in the know, this month is pastors appreciation month! In celebration, Crossway has decided to make one of their books available for free download: The Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor by D.A. Carson . To turn a famous phrase, “One does not simply walk (away from a free D.A. Carson book).” Be wise and click that link!
  • Pastor Matt Mitchell, author of the book Resisting Gossip: Winning the War of the Wagging Tongue, has created a series of videos that goes into a deeper study from the book related to gossip. Best thing is, it’s free! Spread it around (I promise it isn’t gossiping if you do so).
  • In this week’s PeaceMeal (Peacemaker Ministries’ weekly devotional), there are some statements that Satan promotes, which believers can be susceptible to accepting. If you’ve heard of any of these statements, be aware of Christ’s response to Satan’s lies, and learn.
  • Denny Burk asks a simple question that is worth considering, given recent events: Do you have a confidence in Christ that can handle Ebola?

That’s all for this week! Looking forward to another weekend to celebrate and worship our God with you all!

Soli Deo Gloria