Weekly Links (9/4/2015)

“We all want progress. But progress means getting nearer to the place where you want to be. And if you have taken a wrong turning, then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; and in that case the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man.” (CS Lewis, Mere Christianity)

by Stephen Rodgers

So, it’s the first Friday of the month, and that means I’m back with hopefully enough reading material to keep you occupied until next month rolls around!

  • If audio books are your thing, then the free book of the month by christianaudio.com is AHA by Kyle Idleman. I can’t really tell you much about this one, since it’s new to me, but you can check the link and see if it’s of interest to you.
  • If Logos is your thing, then the free book of the month is the Mentor Commentary on Amos. I’ve heard a few people say some nice things about it, so I’d recommend snatching it up.
  • Ligonier puts out a monthly collection of articles called “Tabletalk,” and this month the topic under discussion is “The Study Bible.” You definitely don’t want to miss that.
  • Also, the Gospel Coalition puts out a more…robust…journal entitled Themelios, and issue 40.2 is out. A good chunk of each issue is given over to book reviews, but definitely scan the table of contents and see if there’s anything in there that grabs you. Personally, I thought Ovey’s essay on Antigone being misunderstood in secular society was pretty…what’s the word the kids use these days?…boss. It was pretty boss.
  • Ligonier Ministries is also on a roll this month. Not only is there a new edition of Tabletalk (see above), but there’s also a free ebook entitled The State of American Theology. It’s an expansion of their article series on demographic data of religiosity in America, with a number of additional articles thrown in. It’s definitely worth getting, especially if you want to get a better understand of where our culture and context are heading.
  • Last but certainly not least, they also have expanded their free offering of RC Sproul’s Crucial Questions series to a whopping 22 books! GET THIS! It’s on Kindle, it’s on iBooks, it’s on Logos…seriously, now is a great time to check to make sure that these are all on the reading device / platform of your choice. While Sproul and LBC would quibble on a doctrinal distinctive here or there, on par these are excellent, Gospel-centered resources, and your library and mind will be better for having them and reading them.

That’s pretty much it for now…see you Sunday!

Pro Rege