Weekly Links (3/31/2017)

“The difference between the true God and the gods of the nations is that the true God carries and the other gods must be carried. God serves; they must be served. God glorifies his might by showing mercy. They glorify theirs by gathering slaves. So the vision of God as one whose passion for his glory moves him to mercy impels missions because he is utterly unique among all the gods.” (John Piper, Let the Nations Be Glad!: The Supremacy of God in Missions)

by Cesar Vigil-Ruiz

Feliz Friday! March is over, and April is right around the corner. I hope this week’s links will give you much to think about into next month. Here we go!

  • Have you ever wondered if there is any presence of Reformed theology in China? Well, you can wonder no more as the TGC blog highlights the awakening of Reformational Christianity there.
  • The Center for Medical Progress, who have become known as the organization exposing Planned Parenthood for illegally profiting from the selling of fetal parts, have uploaded a new video featuring a former Planned Parenthood implying she would engage in infanticide. The Equal Rights Institute gives some great analysis of this video. Unfortunately, David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, the ones behind CMP’s videos, have been charged with 15 felonies based on recording alleged ‘confidential communications’ between complete strangers and at public conferences and restaurants. David French points out the blatant hypocrisy in this charge made in CA.
  • With the new release of her new book This Changes Everything: How the Gospel Transforms the Teen Years, Jacquelle Crowe writes of the important relationship that must exist between the church and teens. To that, I give a hearty ‘Amen!’
  • Kevin DeYoung continues his theological primer series by writing on God’s infinity. Well worth your time (which won’t take much of it)!
  • Pastor Jon MacDonald gives a biblical corrective to the ungodly (and overused) phrase, ‘Happy wife, happy life!’
  • How should Christians respond when confronted with the claim that faith in God is irrational or that scientists shouldn’t believe in the supernatural? Scientist and Christian apologist Neil Shenvi gives a great answer!
  • What would you say qualifies one to be a biblical counselor? Pastor Armand Tiffe gives a sound résumé.
  • Over at The Cripplegate, Wyatt Graham writes a response to Rod Dreher’s book The Benedict Option with the gospel option. Luma Simms writes of her own story of adopting the Benedict option before it was dubbed as such, and the consequences of its application.

That’s all for this week! Please be in prayer for the church, as they all meet in their various flocks. See you all on Sunday!

Soli Deo Gloria