Weekly Links (10/13/2017)

“Every Christian is called into full-time ministry. Once we step over the line and begin to follow Jesus, everything we do is supposed to be done in his name, representing him, with the goal of advancing his kingdom.” (J.D. Greear, Gaining By Losing: Why the Future Belongs to Churches that Send)

by Cesar Vigil-Ruiz

Feliz Friday! Another week has come and gone, but the Lord is still in control, and He is good! I pray these links will be a further reminder of His goodness.

  • How can we resolve most of our relational conflicts, when everything in us doesn’t want to do it? Jon Bloom at Desiring God offers some honest words of wisdom that will give you a better perspective on conflict that you may currently have.
  • How is missionary outreach done in closed countries? TMAI provides some background information, and possible ways of continuing the advance of the Great Commission to those who need to hear the gospel. This is very good food for thought, and also worth praying for more laborers to be sent into the harvest.
  • Are pastors called to preach Christ in every text of the Bible? Such is the mindset of some, who call for a Christocentric hermeneutic, as opposed to a grammatical-historical one. TMU Professor Abner Chou explains why this hermeneutic, though well-intentioned, has some issues that doesn’t square well with Scripture. This is some fascinating reading.
  • Al Mohler continues his series of apologetics through the SBTS chapel messages every week. This week, he covers the statement, “Jesus is the only way to heaven.
  • Mohler also has made available a new e-book he has compiled, called The Gathering Storm: Religious Liberty and the Right to Be Christian. You can get a free download by signing up here.
  • Former transgender Walt Heyer exposes the fact that there are people in the transgender movement who are seeking to leave because they have changed their minds. Many in the movement, whether transgender or not, are not very friendly towards those who leave, but the power of the gospel has been the means to draw out some and draw them towards Christ. May God be glorified to bring many to Himself again and again.
  • What can be said to a married couple who is currently infertile? Maybe not a lot, but God is never without hope and encouragement, as highlighted in this article that lays out four truths they (and we) need to hear.
  • Desiring God is still providing profiles of Reformers in their Here I Stand podcast. This week: Thomas Becon, William Tyndale, Martin Bucer, Marie Dentière, and Johannes Oecolampadius.

That’s all for this week! Please pray for our youth and collegians, as they will be meeting at church tonight! See you all on Sunday!

Soli Deo Gloria