Greetings from the Shepherd’s Conference

by Pastor John Kim

Greetings from the Shepherds Conference at Grace Community Church!!

The elders and a number of our lay leaders from the church are up here in Los Angeles attending the Shepherds Conference and it has again been such a tremendous blessing through the preaching of God’s Word. In fact, if you have time, you can watch the sessions through a live stream video – here is the link:

Friday’s sessions will consist of Steve Lawson in the morning, Phil Johnson in the afternoon, and John MacArthur in the evening so you won’t want to miss some great preaching.

As there is not much time here to do the regular things that I do, this is just a short note to remind everyone that we have our regular Bible studies this Friday:

  • College at Solis 104 (7pm) with Alex Ko teaching
  • Single Adults at church (7pm) – MSG/Soup and Sandwich Fellowship
  • Youth Bible study at the church (7pm)

This Sunday is Daylights Savings so put your clocks forward one hour before you go to bed (you lose an hour) or else you will end up coming late to church =)

Please pray for us that we would learn much from the conference and that there would be much fruit that would result in the life of our own church.

In His grace,
Pastor John