Jonathan Edwards Resolution #45

by Pastor John Kim

Greetings to the LBC family and friends!

Jonathan Edwards Resolution #45
Resolved, never to allow any pleasure or grief, joy or sorrow, nor any affection at all, nor any degree of affection, nor any circumstance relating to it, but what helps religion. (Jan. 12 and 13, 1723)

This resolution builds on the previous resolution in that Edwards now includes the emotional aspects of religion to be brought into view. If you have read Edwards, you will know that he did not diminish the significance of emotions in the life of a person but that emotions be in submission to the glory of God. This is essentially when he is getting at here. All our emotions, whether pleasure or grief, joy or sorrow, or any affection or degree of affection be in submission to how it might glorify God and promote His kingdom.

We all too often allow our emotions to dictate how we act and we often will regret words or actions that are spoken out of emotion, whether out of anger or out of zeal. Sometimes we get too excited and we’ll make rash promises or statements that we end up having to retract or go back on because they were borne out of zeal without a basis in reality. The other end would be to speak out of anger or sorrow and because of the negative bent on our perspective, we might say or do hurtful things toward others that would detract from bringing Christ honor.

We are to submit every part of our lives to seeking first the kingdom of God. We cannot allow our wavering emotions to set the tone as to the ultimate purpose for which we live. When we ask the question, “How should we live?”, every word, every thought, every heart motive and intention, and every action needs to be evaluated as to whether it promotes the glory of God or our own self-centeredness.

Our religion is not just a list of do’s and don’ts. Neither it is to be whimsical or subject to emotional flip-flopping. We do not reduce our Christian faith to a cold religiosity devoid of emotions but neither do we allow our emotions to dictate how we will live. We submit every aspect of our lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and so we do not make excuses but strive to the utmost to seek first His kingdom. We seek to follow Christ fully, just as Caleb did (Deuteronomy 1:36) by denying ourselves, taking up our cross, and following hard after Jesus.

Life is too short to just cry about how hard it is or how we can’t handle life. As Christians, we have been given the grace of God, which is more than sufficient for us and we must stand in that grace daily and exercise all the resources that have been granted to us in living out the Christian life. We have not been left ourselves. We have the power of the Holy Spirit residing within us and as we are filled with the Spirit and walk in the Spirit, we will truly have the kind of spirit that will be resilient and rugged, that will not be flimsy and wishy-washy like our southern Californian culture but really be resolved to live out our lives as living sacrifices to the glory of God.

Chew on that for a few moments. Then we’ll see you this Sunday!

In His grace,
Pastor John