Children in Argentina (AR09)

by Alyssa Kim

Hello friends and family of LBC. I will be sharing with you about the children in Argentina. I have met some amazing kids in Argentina. A couple of reasons I call them amazing is because they are so unlike us! They are so content with what they have. Kids at Lighthouse Bible Church: imagine living in a house (the size of our regular living room) being your whole house. Imagine on the coldest night with no heater! On the hottest day there is no air conditioner and no one complains at all! You would also be pretty amazed if you went.

I also met some friends there named Diana, Vicky, and Selena. They are so kind and patient with me. I have learned all a lot from them and do my best to be just like them. I wish to see them as soon as possible. I hope you have been encouraged to make good choices in what you do, act, and say. Not just the kids, but adults too. Thank you!