LBC Weekly SPARK – February 18, 2011

by Pastor Patrick Cho

Dear LBC family and friends,

I hope you are doing well and walking in the Lord. At our last All-Church Retreat, you all received a copy of The Trellis and the Vine, by Colin Marshall and Tony Payne. I hope you have had a chance to take a look at it because it really is a helpful book about church ministry.

In the first chapter, the authors describe the difference between trellis work and vine work. To summarize, the trellis is what supports the vine. It represents the structure of ministry – the programs, administration, and ministries of the church. The vine is the life and growth of the church, and is supported by the trellis.

The problem in many churches today is that there is much focus on trellis work at the expense of the vine. Churches offer amazing programs and a wide array of ministries, but the people in these churches are spiritually weak and unhealthy. This imbalance is explainable given that trellis work is easier than vine work. Tending to the vine requires getting to know people and invest in them, and people can make things difficult and messy. Not only is trellis work easier, but it is also more impressive. Much vine work is done without any appreciation or recognition. Think of it practically. Many people would be much more impressed to hear that Lighthouse was hosting a regional pastors’ conference than they would be that a group of individuals in the church were growing spiritually. More attention needs to be given to the vine, and that is the basis of the book.

The authors also explain that the heart of this ministry philosophy comes straight from the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20). This is something that we at LBC can appreciate. Notice that Jesus doesn’t command His followers to make church members or to carefully structure church programs. He tells them to make disciples. While trellis work is necessary in order to promote the healthy growth of the vine, the thrust of Jesus’ command is to minister to people. Helping people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus and helping them to grow in faith is what the Great Commission is all about. It is people work. Since this command was given to all who would follow Jesus as Lord and Savior, it underscores the applicability to us today. We are to make people our goal and focus, not programs. Souls, not structure.

In His grace,

Pastor Patrick

Here are some trellis things in order to provide opportunities for you to do vine work:

  1. Bible Studies. The youth, college, and singles will be having their regularly scheduled Bible studies tonight. The youth and singles meet at the church at 7:00pm, and the collegians will be meeting on-campus at UCSD and SDSU. Check out the church website for more information about these Friday night Bible studies.
  2. Membership Class. We will be having a two-part membership class this Saturday, February 19, from 9:00am-12:00pm, and Sunday, February 20, from 1:00-4:00pm. Attendance is required for both classes. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact Pastor Patrick for an application ( ).
  3. Vision Quest. The Vision Quest is this weekend!!! On Sunday at 5:30pm at the church, this is going to be a great time to fellowship with the church family, as well as to hear more about the MVP of LBC. The theme for the night will be the Vision of LBC. This time the activity will be a skit night, so it should be a lot of fun! Bring $5 for food and be prepared for a fun-filled evening! If you would like to participate please contact Pastor Patrick ( ).
  4. College Retreat. The college group will be having their annual retreat from February 25-27 at Pine Valley Bible Camp. Our speaker this year is Pastor Dan Nah of Cornerstone Bible Church, and he will be speaking on the theme of “Scandalous Grace.” The cost to go is only $120. There is currently a wait list to attend, but the staff is working to procure additional space!
  5. Single Life Ladies Appreciation Tea. Tea anyone? The singles will be having their first ever Ladies Appreciation Tea this Saturday, February 19, from 2:00-4:00pm, at the church. This event is intended to encourage the gals in the faith and to provide a time of fellowship together. All singles are encouraged to attend! Please RSVP with Eugene Park ASAP ( ) so we can adequately plan for the event!
  6. Single Life Retreat. The singles will be having their retreat on the weekend of March 18-20, at Pine Valley Bible Camp. Our speaker this year will be Pastor James Lee, who will be addressing the theme of “Dependence.” The cost is only $130 (including a $50 non-refundable deposit). You can sign up with Brian Song tonight at Bible study or on Sunday at church!
  7. Grace Life Picnic at the Park. On Saturday, February 26, from 11:00am-1:00pm, we will be having a GraceLife Picnic at the Park (Torrey Hills Community Park). This is an opportunity for families to spend an afternoon together in the sun while the kiddies play! Bring a lunch for your family as well as parky type fun things (e.g. kites, Frisbees, footballs, etc.). Talk to Pastor Patrick if you have any questions.
  8. Parent/Child Dedication. We will be having our next Parent/Child Dedication during the worship service on Sunday, March 13. If you have recently had a child and would like to participate, please contact Pastor Patrick.
  9. End Times Bible Study. To coincide with our study in 1 Corinthians, Pastor Patrick will be hosting a Sunday evening series on the end times. Come find out what the Bible says about eschatology through this helpful series. The meetings will be at the church from 6:00-8:00pm on March 6, March 20, April 3, and April 17. For more information, please talk to Pastor Patrick.
  10. Prayer. Don’t forget to come to church a little early on Sunday for a time of corporate prayer in the sanctuary. The sanctuary will be open for prayer at 8:45am, and prayer requests will be projected on the wall. If you are out in the foyer talking with one another, I would encourage you to remind each other of this time and come in to pray for the church.