Grace Life Update

by Pastor Patrick Cho

Grace Life has been taking a break for the summer, but things will be picking up again really soon! And even though we have not been meeting, it doesn’t mean things haven’t been busy. Couples have been getting engaged, getting married, and having babies! The ministry has been growing and all this time we have been taking a break!

One of the things we are looking forward to in the fall is the return of our Wednesday evening parenting class. Taught by elder Peter Lim, the parenting class will be a fifteen week course running from October to March. Each week, different topics will be discussed while examining what the Bible teaches about being a parent. Children are certainly a huge responsibility, but they are also a tremendous blessing from the Lord. Every parent knows that raising kids can at times be challenging and even frustrating. But the Bible gives godly wisdom about how successful parenting can be achieved to the glory of God. This will be an invaluable class especially for our new and expecting parents.

Also beginning in October our weekly Grace Life fellowship will resume. Once again, Grace Life will be meeting during the Sunday School hour on Sundays. It will be great to pick up in our study of Mark and this year will present greater opportunities for fellowship, accountability, and interaction.

Hopefully after the summer break, everyone is itching to get started again!