Singular Focus on Jesus Christ

by Elder Mike Chon

Have you ever been asked in a job interview if you are good at multi-tasking? Maybe you have seen an ad for a job opening that has a qualification list that includes multi-tasking along with other skills that are required in that position. Many of us multi-task during the day, but there are definitely degrees of proficiency in regards to it. You may have seen someone driving and putting makeup on, texting and walking, or talking on the cellphone while ordering a meal at your favorite fast food joint. Is anyone really proficient at multi-tasking? Give these people enough time and you’ll see car accidents, someone walking into a streetlight, and making people wait longer in line than they have to as they wait for this person to finish their phone call. Even though many of us believe that we are good at multi-tasking, very few are proficient at it.

You may be the one person that is able to truly multi-task in day-to-day life…but none of us can multi-task our spiritual lives without eventually reaping the consequences. As believers we are called to have a singular purpose and focus in our lives. We are not to focus our lives on the next project, a better plan to improve our spiritual life, or a thirty day program to a purposeful life. Our focus is not on tasks but on a person. Our focus must be on Jesus Christ alone. We are called to love Christ with all that we are (Matt. 22:37) and to value knowing Him more than anything else in this world (Phil. 3:8). Only when we put aside all the other distractions and desires of this world, and we place Christ on the throne that He belongs, and we bow our knee to worship Him will we be able to do all things to God’s glory (1 Cor. 10:31). Our worship of Christ must be the priority of our life and everything else must come a distant second. In a world which sees multi-tasking as a virtue, may our church be filled with men and women that have a narrow focus and a singular task of worshipping our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.