Weekly Links (5/24/2013)

We should test ourselves with some questions. It is right to pursue likeness to Christ. But the question is, why? What is the root of our motivation? Consider some attributes of Christ that we might pursue, and ask these questions:

  • Do I want to be strong like Christ, so I will be admired as strong, or so that I can defeat every adversary that would entice me to settle for any pleasure less than admiring the strongest person in the universe, Christ?
  • Do I want to be wise like Christ, so I will be admired as wise and intelligent, or so that I can discern and admire the One who is most truly wise?
  • Do I want to be holy like Christ, so that I can be admired as holy, or so that I can be free from all unholy inhibitions that keep me from seeing and savoring the holiness of Christ?
  • Do I want to be loving like Christ, so that I will be admired as a loving person, or so that I will enjoy extending to others, even in sufferings, the all-satisfying love of Christ?
    (John Piper)

by Richard Shin

  • You’ve probably heard of the natural disaster that struck Oklahoma this past week. Michael Patton shares that there is a wrong way to carry this burden. Sam Storms is a pastor of Bridgeway Church in Oklahoma City, and he has a few words to share on the tragedy and God’s sovereignty. Jesse Johnson speaks on giving money to those struck by the tragedy (and here‘s his follow-up). Michael Horton writes on the difference between placing our trust in God and saying “stuff happens.”
  • On that note, Al Mohler shares on the goodness of God and the reality of evil. You can find his article here.
  • R.C. Sproul has a set of free eBooks on Christian living you can download from his website here.
  • Josh Blount shares an encouraging word on why God gave us the church and not Superman.
  • With the explosion of social media, it’s very easy for even computer illiterate people to post pretty much whatever they please. However, Jen Wilkin warns parents to be careful about what they post.
  • John Piper here affirms the Christian adoption through a list of disavowals and affirmations.
  • Tony Payne shares what Christ meant that He did not “come to abolish the law but to fulfill them” (Matthew 5:17).

That’s it for now. Have a great, long weekend, folks!

Coram Deo