Reflections from Sonlight

by Shelby Wong

June is right around the corner and we are winding down the year in Sonlight. In the blink of an eye, a whole school year in this ministry has come and gone. Through this time, I am very thankful to God for what he has taught me through the children I claim to serve.

When I first joined the Children’s Ministry, my main goal was to get kids thinking about God at an early age and to help them contemplate where their heart is behind the matter. I had just finished a year as a Teacher’s Aide at a private, Christian school and knew how much these little brains were capable of. Simply memorizing was an easy task for them. They are like sponges! They retain all sorts of information given to them. I thought it was time to take learning to the next level and start getting the kids to think about what they are learning. My goal was to get the kids to personalize what they learn. Boy, was I in for a surprise.

Even though this sounded great in theory, putting it into practice was another story. On Sundays, after serving in Children’s Ministry, I would go home thinking, “Did these guys really understand what the lesson was about? Do they see how this relates to God and to them personally? Why don’t they respond when I ask them about their sins? If we are called to minister to the lives of these children, shouldn’t I be trying to draw out the heart? Am I failing at teaching these kids?”

I was humbled to realize I was too focused on what they can show for themselves. I wanted them to be able to express where they see their sin, and what they can do to change. I was so caught up on the end result, or behavior modification, that I forgot God is the One who changes hearts in His own time. God is the One who sees to it that their hearts are changed. I am simply called to faithfully teach and support them by posing the right questions, answering their questions, and investing in their lives.

There are times, however, when we have wonderful conversations about the day’s lesson and expand it to our own lives. It is then that I get a glimpse of understanding their little souls. It is truly a blessing to serve these kids and interact with them as they teach me more than I can teach them. God doesn’t need me to be with them, and they certainly do not need me. However, He has called me to serve here and learn alongside these little souls. For this, I thank God.