The gospel does not say, ‘There is a Saviour, if you wish to be saved’; but, ‘Sir, you have no right to go to hell — you cannot go there without trampling on the Son of God. (John Duncan)
by Richard Shin
Have fun!
- William Carey’s An Enquiry into the Obligations of Christians to Use Means for the Conversions of the Heathens audiobook is free on
- Denny Burk shares an his thoughts on linking the gender relations to the Holy Trinity.
- Do you ever worry? If so, Justin Taylor linked to a quote by David Powlison’s article on having a game plan for worrying. These are very practical steps to killing anxiety in your life.
- Tim Challies has an encouraging/rebuking post about how we judge sermons.
- We are constantly bombarded with distractions that divide our attention. Jon Bloom shares that “doing too many things is a debilitating weight that God doesn’t want you to carry in the race of faith.” Click here to read more. And on a similar note, Jemar Tisby shares how we as Christians can help protect each other from busyness.
- Michael Patton shares twelve myths about Arminianism. He also shares twelve myths about Calvinism.
- Nathan Busenitz is doing a four-part series on church history and twelve reasons you should care about it. He has done articles so far. You can find them here, here, and here.
Hope you had fun!
Coram Deo