Weekly Links (8/30/2013)

We must not be grieved, that we have nothing to trust upon besides Christ for our salvation; but rather we are to rejoice, that we need nothing else, and that we have a sure foundation to rely on, incomparably better than any other that can be imagined. (Walter Marshall)

by Richard Shin

Be encouraged!

  • I did not know such a thing as Mommy Wars existed; it almost sounds like a bad reality TV show. Regardless, if this is something with which a mother struggles, she would be good to read this article.
  • On the Ligonier website, Sinclair Ferguson shares four helpful principles when considering the exercise of Christian liberty. You can find them here. This is an excerpt from his book In Christ Alone, whose digital version you can find for free here (until the end of August, which is tomorrow!).
  • This past week, America celebrated the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech. Al Mohler looks back on the setting and the effects of the speech here. Russell Moore also comments on what his speech can teach us today about preaching here.
  • Timothy Beougher from 9Marks answers the question, “Must every Christian evangelize?” You can find the article here. Jonathan Leeman also asks and answers, “Is evangelism an individual sport or a team sport?” here.
  • This is a good thought exercise. What would we do without the Gospel? You can find Marshall Segal’s article on this topic here.
  • Joe Holland from the Christward Collective blog shares an article about our prejudices to eat with certain people. You can find it here.
  • There are many articles and videos and sermons and [insert favorite medium here] about social justice these days. Matt Chandler, John Piper, and David Platt sit together and talk about social justice and the young evangelicals. If you have ten additional minutes, watch this.

Hope you were encouraged!

Coram Deo