LBC Weekly SPARK – October 2, 2013

by Pastor Patrick Cho

Dear LBC family and friends!

October is here, which means that many ministries that were on break are up and running once again! This is always an exciting time of year where we can welcome in new students and countdown to the holiday season! Keep in mind that there are many opportunities to get involved and invest in each other’s lives. Don’t forget that the Lord has saved us into the body of Christ and has given us to each other by His grace to love one another and serve one another. Let’s actively participate to ensure that the body continues to mature in Christ.

In His grace,

Pastor Patrick

Here are this week’s announcements:

  • Weekly Bible Studies. All our midweek Bible studies will be meeting this week at the church.

Grace Life – All married couples and parents are invited to come out this Thursday at 6:30 PM for an introduction and orientation about the upcoming year. Food will be served! We meet in Room 107. Nursery care will be provided as well!

Single Life – The singles ministry meets on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM in the sanctuary. Dinner is served at 6:30 PM and Bible study begins around 7:15 PM. Visit for more information!

College Life – The college ministry meets on Fridays at 7:00 PM in the sanctuary. Visit for more information!

Lumos – The youth ministry meets on Fridays at 7:00 PM in Room 107. Contact Josh Liu for information about Bible study or to arrange a ride (

Kids’ Club – Our midweek Bible study for children meets on Thursdays at 6:30pm. The theme this year is “Behold Our God,” and will focus on the attributes of God. The cost is $40 per child, with a $10 reduction for subsequent children of the same household. Join us as we seek to proclaim the greatness of God to our children through songs, Bible study, snacks, and activities! Contact Josh Liu for more information and to receive an a registration form (

  • Mommy & Me. All moms of children 0-4 years old are invited to join Mommy & Me on Fridays at 9:45 AM at the church. Contact Jane Kim for more information or if you are interested in coming out (
  • Sunday School. As was announced on Sunday, we will be introducing a 26 week class on eschatology, the study of end times, this coming Sunday during the Sunday School hour. Pastor Patrick will be teaching the class during the fall and winter quarters.

As always, we will also be offering Fundamentals of the Faith in Room 107. Roger Alcaraz and Ryan Short will be teaching FOF this term. All members should keep in mind that FOF is a membership requirement. If you have not yet taken the class, please make plans to do that soon!

  • All-Church Retreat. This year’s All Church Retreat will be from November 1-3 at Pine Valley Bible Conference Center. Dr. Michael Grisanti from The Master’s Seminary will be our speaker. Signups are being taken in the foyer on Sundays. The cost is $150 per adult, $75 per child age 3-12, babies 2 and under are free, and $450 max per family. If you have any questions or need financial assistance please talk to Hansol An ( or any of the deacons.
  • Fall Festival. We will be having our annual Fall Festival on Thursday, October 31 from 5:30-8:00pm at the church! More information is forthcoming. Contact Josh Liu if you are interested in helping (!
  • Local Outreach. There are still several opportunities to shine the light of the gospel in our community.

LBC partners with South Bay Community Church in National City to host a children’s program that includes tutoring, Bible teaching, and games for the children in the neighborhood. If you are interested in helping or would like more information, please contact Hanka Rodgers (

We have the opportunity to visit a convalescent home in Hillcrest on Tuesdays to minister to the elderly. For more information on how to get involved with this ministry, please contact Peter Park (

LBC partners with Pacific Beach Presbyterian Church every other Sunday from 3:00-6:00pm to help feed the homeless and needy. We help prepare and serve the food, and clean the kitchen. For more information on how to get involved with this ministry, contact Joyce Kang ( or Hanka Rodgers (

  • Beacon. Don’t forget about our online newsletter and blog! Visit today!