But it is always possible to be thankful for what is given rather than to complain about what is not given. One or the other becomes a habit of life. (Elisabeth Elliot)
by Cesar Vigil-Ruiz
Feliz Friday! Links abound, so get ready to do some major clicking!
- The New York Times recently profiled children of same-sex parents, yet noticeably absent were children who were raised by same-sex parents and do not support same-sex marriage. Ryan Anderson highlights a couple of those stories that underscores the desire for a mom and a dad to raise them. Anderson himself has been vilified by the media for his stance on marriage (as designed by God) as complementary, which Christians need to be prepared to give a defense for.
- The situation with Bruce Jenner continues to appear on media outlets regularly, though recently, so has the outing of Rachel Dolezal of being transracial. The obvious question that rises is, “If Rachel Dolezal isn’t black, how is Caitlyn Jenner a woman?” Some have called the comparison fraudulent, which is telling, to say the least.
- Over at the Grace to You blog, in their series on sin, attention is drawn on the Hypergrace movement that has been gaining ground in evangelical circles. Emphasis in that movement is on our depravity and God’s forgiveness, while there’s a deemphasis on God’s transforming work in the life of the believer. Read this post and that post for more.
- How can parents, specifically fathers, reach their child’s heart? Pastor Richard Phillips gives some sage wisdom in this area. Pastor Ed Braswell broadens the focus for husbands and dads in how to lead in the home.
- Earlier this week, Elisabeth Elliot passed on to glory. Read a testimony about her influence, another testimony, yet another one, 9 things about her life, a tribute to her, and a reminder from Mrs. Elliot.
That’s all for this week! Please be in prayer for the graduating youth and their families as we celebrate their transitions into the next stage of life, and look forward to seeing you on Sunday!
Soli Deo Gloria