by Mabel Tse
The end of each academic year allows us to reflect on what has taken place over the last year. In the Fireflies ministry, we have enjoyed many blessings in the last year. Through Bible lessons, memory verses and songs, our little ones are continuously exposed to the simplicity of the Gospel truth. It has always been our prayer that LBC’s Fireflies ministry would help to lay a strong foundation upon which to build the future. We thank the parents of all our babies and toddlers this year who provided us the opportunity to serve in this way!
Our roster included about 10 babies and about 25 toddlers this past year. The upcoming transition time when some of our Fireflies toddlers will be graduating is particularly rewarding for our family this year, as our oldest daughter will have gone through the entire nursery curriculum over the last 3 years and will be settling into Sparklers this next quarter. We have seen her learn to love church and to love other members and their kids.
More importantly, as many other parents of Fireflies-aged children can attest to, we are thankful for the nursery workers who have instilled in our children a joyfulness in the Lord that comes from constant exposure to the simple truths of God’s word. Their familiarity with numerous Bible passages and their interest in learning more about the people in the stories provides the Fireflies’ staff (and the parents) an opportunity to explain what the love, kindness, patience, and holiness of God mean.
The time we have with our children is precious, and the Fireflies ministry and our staff are thankful to the rest of the church body for giving us an opportunity to care for and instruct their children in the ways of the Lord. As this academic year draws to an end, we look forward to more opportunities to serve the congregation and the little ones.