A man who only opposes the sin in his heart for fear of shame among men or eternal punishment from God would practise the sin if there were no punishment attending it. How does this differ from living in the practice of the sin? Those who belong to Christ, and are obedient to the Word of God, have the death of Christ, the love of God, the detestable nature of sin, the preciousness of communion with God, and a deep-rooted hatred of sin as sin to oppose to all the workings of lust in their hearts. (John Owen, The Mortification of Sin)
by Cesar Vigil-Ruiz
Feliz Friday! I hope this one, which has some serious content, will draw you all to pray and seek the Lord in this time of rebellion from the culture around us. God is still in control!
- The Center for Medical Progress released their seventh video exposing more and more the ugliness of Planned Parenthood. Justin Taylor links to the previous videos and provides more resources to be a winsome advocate of life wherever you are. Alan Shlemon from Stand to Reason gives some thoughts to consider concerning the issue of rape and abortion with a real life situation in Egypt.
- Collegians, want to know how to be successful in college? Here are five prerequisites. Also, while you’re at it, seeking biblical friendships may be hard, of which Jonathan Holmes offers a reason why that is, and suggests five ways to practically form friendships that isn’t weird or forced.
- Joe Carter asks and answers a very neglected question: “Is there any actual demand for same-sex marriage?“
- Did you know that a new NIV Study Bible is about to come out, and that D.A. Carson is one of the editors behind it? Andy Naselli gives a very informative post that will get you up to speed. This is an exciting time!
- Robert Zink gives a timely devotional on being men and women of our word, which he sees as a subtle problem in the church. Heed the call to integrity.
- Rico Tice simply lays out the implications of a passage that transformed his evangelism. Hopefully, the same happens with you.
- Justin Taylor has written a very thoughtful post on the reality and vision of Christian education, and it probably isn’t what you’re expecting! In relation to school, here are 35 things an older adult wish they knew while in high school. Youth, this one’s for you!
- This one may be a little long, but definitely worth reading. If you are researching the claims of Joseph Smith and the Mormon Church, knowing what they are and the lack of evidence shown in this post will definitely be of benefit to you and those you seek to minister the gospel to.
- CBMW highlights how to counsel a woman after they suffer a miscarriage. How can you show them the love of Christ in this very difficult time? Allow Brittany Lind to offer five thoughts to help counsel those who are hurting, maybe even today.
That’s all for this week! Please pray for the joint volleyball tournament tomorrow at LBCOC, and that we would welcome guest preacher Morgan Maitland this coming Sunday as he brings God’s Word to us on Sunday.
Soli Deo Gloria