Weekly Links (4/7/2017)

by Stephen Rodgers

Alright…happy Friday once again. Since this particular happy Friday is the first of the month, that means it’s time for a postload of free stuff. So, in no particular order…

  • Know Why You Believe by Paul E. Little (audio book) – I’m not familiar with this particular book, but it’s free if anyone wants to check it out.
  • Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes by Randolph and O’Brien (Logos resource) – I’m familiar with the central thesis of this book (that “WEIRD”…Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic) readers are prone to misunderstanding or failing to understanding cultural and social norms that are foreign to our experience. And up to a point, that’s a completely valid observation. What I don’t know is whether this book occupies the “responsible scholarship” end of the spectrum, or the “nut with an agenda” end of the spectrum. Again though, it’s free if someone wants to roll the dice or is a collector.
  • JBMW 21.2 (journal) – The latest edition of the Journal of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood is out, and I have no problem recommending it. Apparently Denny Burk lays out his vision for its parent organization, so that will be interesting to see.
  • “Luther at 500” (magazine) – As I mentioned last time, CredoMag was advertising a year of Reformation-themed issues, and the first one has arrived! Again, this is a resource that I’m happy to recommend.
  • “The 17th Century” (magazine) – Of course, I’m MOST happy to recommend Tabletalk. (Although they can only milk this “xxth century” theme a few more times before they’ll either run out of centuries or have to start in on the BC ones). Still…a name Tabletalk is always a good thing.
