Weekly Links (10/11/2019)

“Gracious gratitude should spring up as a flowing fountain as we are ever mindful of God’s character. Gratitude of this kind for the attributes of God shows that the Holy Spirit is truly at work in our hearts. It is a defining characteristic of a Christian, since while unbelievers may thank God for his gifts, only Christians thank God for his holiness.” (Mary K. Mohler, Growing in Gratitude: Rediscovering the Joy of a Thankful Heart)

by Cesar Vigil-Ruiz

Feliz Friday! It’s been awhile, but the links just keep on coming! Hope it fills you up!

That’s all for this week! Please be in prayer for our member’s meeting, as we will be discussing important matters for the life of the church. See you all on Sunday!

Soli Deo Gloria