by Cindy Su
Before coming into college, I had only a small glimpse of what it means to be a follower of Christ. Although I grew up at church and was saved during the end of high school, I had a very limited understanding of the full extent of offering up the entirety of your life to Christ. By God’s sovereignty, He led me to be a part of CCM small groups with Grace Lee as my leader. Grace encouraged all of us in the group to be actively seeking for a church to settle in and after the first visits to Lighthouse, I was pretty certain that I wanted to stay. The preaching by Pastor John and Pastor Pat and the atmosphere of a church body with older men and women and younger children lead me to believe that this is a church committed to teaching the truth and committed to church unity. For these reasons, I became certain that I wanted to stay to grow in my knowledge and understanding of the scripture and to be able to apply those truths to the church body.
I’m thankful for God’s faithfulness and grace to me throughout the past four years in growing and challenging me to live a life that is pleasing and honoring before Him by first learning who He is and how we are to respond with that knowledge. Time and time again God has shown me that as the created one, I owe everything–my existence, my dependence, and my devotion–to Him, the Creator. And if other desires seek to rule my heart instead, I would be ignorant of the sovereign, loving Father who knows all of me and fills my heart with a greater purpose in submission for His glory. More recently, through small group, I’ve been challenged to strive for a heart of humility in that it is not just an attitude I have in front of God, but the spirit of my daily life and interactions with others. Humility comes forth in the most common and unguarded moments; in the seemingly insignificant acts that prove its authenticity that my humility before God is genuine. This means to be actively practicing and living out the one another’s mentioned throughout the teachings of Paul: “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love” (Romans 12:10); “through love serve one another” (Galatians 5:13); “Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves” (Philippians 2:3). Through these verses, I’ve been challenged to bring a heart of humility and lowliness of mind before others and see that it is a privilege to be serving God and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
As college comes to an end, it is but another opportunity to fully place my trust in the sovereignty of God amidst the uncertainties of what’s to come and the realities of the world outside of LBC and San Diego. I am so thankful for His sovereignty in placing me here at LBC with solid teaching and amongst people who really seek hard after God and His glory.
Favorite place in SD: Home. I spend a lot of time there
What song will define this era for you: Nothing Without You by Bebo Norman
Favorite verse: Colossians 3:12-14
Memory that stands out the most: Resolved 2007. Learning, eating, and standing in line :]
Advice for collegians: Get involved at church – with the church body and with the different ministries to use your skills and talents for His purposes.