LBC Weekly SPARK – January 23, 2014

by Pastor Patrick Cho

Dear LBC family and friends,

I hope you are doing well and walking in the Lord. If you are following along in the reading plan for 2014, today’s reading is from Exodus 16-18. One of the highlights of this passage is God’s provision of manna and water in the Wilderness of Sin. When I had the opportunity to visit Israel, one of the places we went to was the Wilderness of Sin. It was a vast desert land with oppressive heat. We wandered out there for about forty minutes. The Israelites wandered for forty years! It is no wonder that in chapters 16-17 we find the Israelites grumbling to Moses. Sadly, their complaint called into question the goodness of God arguing that they had it better when they were Egypt (Exod. 16:3). They longed for the bread and meat they enjoyed in Egypt (conveniently forgetting that it was also a time of tyrannical slavery!).

As a demonstration of God’s tremendous grace, even in the context of Israel’s complaining, He provided not only bread and water, but meat also! He completely supernaturally met their need when they could not find any deliverance in their natural circumstances. He showed Himself to be a God of glory by caring for His people. God provided for them faithfully for forty years until they arrived at Canaan (Exod. 16:35).

How disappointing that by Numbers 11, as the people left Sinai, they grumbled yet again against the Lord’s provision. What a picture of our sinful human hearts that we can so quickly become dissatisfied by what we receive by grace. Passages like Exodus 16-18 not only highlight our sinful nature but also God’s tremendous goodness and grace. In light of this passage, consider how you might confess to the Lord about any sinful complaining you have done recently. Ask the Lord’s forgiveness and trust in His promise to forgive. Also, think about how you can be thankful for the Lord’s gracious provision. How has He provided for you in ways you might not have foreseen?

In His grace,

Pastor Patrick

Here are some ministry opportunities for this week:

  1. Midweek Bible Studies. All our midweek Bible studies continue this week (Kids’ Club, Youth, College, Singles, and Grace Life). Visit the church website for service times and more information about how to get involved.
  2. Membership Class. For those who are interested in pursuing formal membership at Lighthouse, we will have our next membership class this weekend at the church. We will meet on Saturday, January 25, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, and again on Sunday, January 26, from 2:00 to 5:00 PM. Attendance at both classes is mandatory. Contact Pastor Patrick for more information or to obtain an application (
  3. Members Meeting. We will be having a members meeting this Sunday, January 26, at 4:45 PM. All members are strongly encouraged to attend. As always, dinner will be provided. ALSO, we will be taking membership photos during the meeting, so please come prepared to have your picture taken (photos of families will be taken together).
  4. Baptism Class. We will be having a baptism class on Tuesday, January 28, at 7:00 PM, at the church building. If you have not yet been baptized in accordance with the Scriptures, or if you just want to learn more about biblical baptism, please make plans to attend this class.
  5. Flocks. Next week is flocks week (January 29 to February 1), which means all our regular midweek activities will be on hold. Please mark your calendars! If you are interested in joining a flock, you can visit the website for more details or contact Peter Lim (
  6. Women’s Ministry Car Rally! The women’s ministry will be hosting a special event on Saturday, February 8, at 9:00 AM, at the church – CAR RALLY! This event is open to all ladies in youth group and older. The last day to sign up with Christine Cho is Sunday, February 2 ( Please bring some money for brunch.
  7. LBCLA. Lighthouse Bible Church Los Angeles will be having its official inaugural service on Sunday, February 16, at 6:00 PM. To RSVP, please visit their Facebook page and sign up or contact Pastor Patrick.
  8. Prayer Need. Praise God that Alex and Michael are both improving after their time in the hospital. Please continue to pray for their full recovery! They are both very grateful for the prayers, love, and support of the church family!