Category Archives: Lighthouse News

@LBC (4/22/2015)

by David Zhang


Elders Rule by Patrick Cho (Titus 1:5)

  • Patrick continues the study of Titus. Come check out the three whys of church leadership!

So You Think You Can Love by Roger Alcaraz (John 13: 1-17)

  • College life continues their study of John. Listen to what what it means to love selflessly.

Do Not Lose Heart by Alex Ko (2nd Cor. 4)

  • Single life continues their study of 2nd Corinthians. Come check out the “5 C’s” of not losing heart in doing good!

Special Features

@LBC (4/16/2015)

by David Zhang


From Paul to Titus by Patrick Cho (Titus 1:1-4)

  • This week Pastor Patrick continues the Titus series. Come check out the three customary sections of Paul’s greeting to Titus!

From Death to Glory by Roger Alcaraz (John 12:20-26)

  • This week College Life studied about Jesus’s suffering. Come find out what Jesus had gained in his suffering!

The True Apostle by Johnny Kim (2 Cor. 3:1-11)

  • This week Single Life studied about Paul’s defense against false teachers and impostors of his time. Come check out what sets the new covenant apart from the old covenant!

Special Feature

Congratulations to the men’s mission bowl team for playing with good attitudes and winning this year’s tournament!

@LBC (4/8/2015)

by David Zhang


An Unexpected Exaltation by Patrick Cho (Isaiah 52:13-15)

  • This is the Good Friday sermon. Come and listen to three stages of the unexpected salvation of the Lord’s servant.

Our Perfect Substitute by Patrick Cho (2 Corinthians 5:21)

  • This is the Easter Sunday sermon. Check out the two sides to the substitutionary atonement achieved for us by Christ. He is risen indeed!

Special Feature

In light of Easter, here is an article reflecting on Jesus’s resurrection.

LBC Weekly SPARK – April 2, 2015

by Pastor Patrick Cho

Dear LBC family and friends!

I hope you are all enjoying a wonderful week and have been reflecting on the amazing truths of the gospel as we head towards Resurrection Sunday. While we gather every weekend in celebration of the atonement made for us on the cross of Christ and in the triumph of His resurrection, Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday offer us a special occasion in the year to take a break from our usual study of God’s Word to focus primarily on the gospel. What an amazing demonstration of grace and love that God would send His own Son to die on the cross for our sins. What a display of victory and power that by His own authority He rose again from the grave. As we head into the weekend, I would encourage you to take some time to meditate on these truths. Read through the Gospel accounts of Christ’s suffering, death, burial, and resurrection. Let the gospel engulf your minds and hearts. Then as we gather for corporate worship this weekend, let us worship the Lord in the fullness of joy with our hearts united in faith.

In His grace,

Pastor Patrick

Here are some opportunities for ministry that you should know:

  1. Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. This Friday, April 3, we will be having a Good Friday communion and prayer service at the church at 6:30pm. This will give us a chance to think on the cross of Christ and pray for one another. On Resurrection Sunday, April 5, come to the church early for a breakfast fellowship at 7:30am. Then at 9am, we will have a special Resurrection Sunday service. This is a wonderful opportunity to invite your family and friends to hear the message of the gospel. Also keep in mind that because of the holiday, Sunday School will not be meeting this weekend.
  2. Lighthouse Kids’ Club. Please remember that LKC will be meeting tonight, April 2, at 6:30pm, at the church. Grace Life Bible study will not be meeting, but we will still be having a program for the kids.
  3. Monday Night Volleyball. The days are growing longer with summer approaching so we’ll be starting up Monday Night Volleyball once again at La Jolla Shores. Come out at 5:30pm to enjoy some fun in the sun!
  4. Men’s Purity Seminar. Be sure to mark your calendars for an upcoming four-part seminar on the topic of “Personal Purity in an Internet Age.” This is a special seminar for the men of the church that will be on April 12, April 19, May 3, and May 10. Each session will begin at 6pm.
  5. Women’s Seminar. Ladies (youth age and up) are invited to a women’s ministry event on Saturday, April 18, from 9am to 12:30pm. Come out as we walk through a study of Ephesians 5 with the theme of “Redeeming the Time.” You can RSVP with Mrs. Grace Lee (
  6. Vacation Bible School. Our VBS will be on June 22-26! Applications are now available if you would like to serve on staff. Contact Josh Liu for more details.

@LBC (3/25/2015)

by David Zhang


Introduction to Titus by Patrick Cho (Titus)

  • This week Pastor Patrick started a new series on the book of Titus. Check out this sermon to hear an overview of this book and how we should represent Christ to the world.

God’s Comfort, Our Comfort by Kevin Tse (2 Corinthians 1:3-11)

  • This week the singles learned about how we can partake of God’s comfort in the midst of trials.

Special Feature

The 2015 College Life Retreat videos are up!

@LBC (3/18/2015)

by David Zhang


The Perfect Word by Patrick Cho

  • This week Pastor Patrick spoke about the inerrancy of God’s word. Check out the reasons for this truth!

Special Feature

The Singles fellowship just had their annual retreat at Pine Valley Conference this past weekend with pastor Alton To. Stay tuned for the recorded sermons about the disciplines we should have towards walking a Christian life.

It is important to consistently be fed by God’s wisdom. A good way of doing is this would be starting a Bible reading plan.

@LBC (3/11/2015)

by David Zhang


The Everlasting King 2 by Patrick Cho (2 Samuel 7:1-17)

  • This week Patrick continued the 2 Samuel series started two weeks ago. Come check out how God’s plan of redemption unfolds for His people!

Overcoming Evil with Good by Alex Ko (Peacemaker Series)

  • The singles wrapped up  their study on the Peacemaker series by Ken Sande. Check out some practical actions we should take when faced with difficult social situations!

Special Feature

We are blessed to receive a personal testimony from Linda on Sunday. Check out the audio recording here!

@LBC (3/4/2015)

by David Zhang


The Glorious End by Josh Liu (Revelation)

  • This Sunday Josh Liu did an overview of the end times and how we should be encouraged by this revelation. Check out this sermon to know the promises God gives to His church-age saints as well as their implications.

Special Feature

The 2015 baptism photos and videos are up. Praise God for these five guy’s step of faith in getting baptized. Congratulations Wesley, Scott, Chris, Brian, and Andrew!

@LBC (2/25/2015)

by David Zhang


The Everlasting King by Patrick Cho (2 Samuel 7:1-17)

  • This past Sunday Patrick introduces the Davidic covenant. Find out more about this unconditional promise God has made with David regarding the lineage of the Messiah!

Way of the Shepherd by Roger Alcaraz (John 10:7-15)

  • College life bible study is doing a series on the gospel of John. This week Roger focuses on the provisions for salvation.

Special Feature

This past Sunday a couple of LBC’ers got baptized. Praise the Lord for their declaration of faith! Here is a link to a hub of resources talking about the theology behind baptism.