Maximizing Our Time & Joy Because the Days Are Evil (Part 1)

by Pastor James Lee

Ever since I was 17, I’m grateful to have always had some type of job. During undergrad and graduate school, a few seasons I had up to 3 part-time jobs to make ends meet. But in hindsight, it gets amped up exponentially when you have people depending on you, and it’s not just you, that you have to take care of. It’s a totally different ball game. As a UCLA student, it didn’t seem to affect others if I played basketball all night till 5am or foolishly ran up my credit card debt. But when I became a Christian, my outlook on what I thought was mine began to change. When I became a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the sobering weight of that responsibility changed the practical course of my life forever. When I became a husband and father, those very gifts altered my choices even more, so that I was forced in a good way to be confronted with my selfishness and embrace those new joys in ways I was not used to. Brushing your teeth on a daily basis matters, studying diligently at school makes a difference, loving the church as an active member is loving Christ and not doing so is not loving Him. God is sovereign. That’s a comfort; that’s an assurance. But we’re responsible for all that we’ve been given. We don’t control who the next President will be; God does. But we do have a responsibility to discern the need of the times and to vote with an informed Christian conscience. We don’t control the size of our underground aquifers, but we can better control our own water consumption and not run up our utility bills so that the Lord’s money is better managed. We don’t control whether others will be saved or not, but we are commanded to preach the gospel to all.

J. Oswald Sanders in his book on leadership wrote,

“The way we employ our time will determine if we develop into mediocre or powerful people. Leisure is a glorious opportunity and a subtle danger. Each moment of the day is a gift from God that deserves care, for by any measure, our time is short and the work is great… William James affirmed that the best use of one’s life is to spend it for something that will outlast it. Life’s value is not its duration but its donation – not how long we live, but how fully and how well. Time is precious, but we squander it thoughtlessly… ‘I don’t have the time.’ Such an excuse is usually the refuge of a small-minded and inefficient person. We do not have time to do all we want, but each of us has all the time we need to do the whole will of God for our lives… Our problem is not little time, but making better use of the time we have. Be it the President of the United States, you, or me. Each of us has the same 24 hours as anyone else. Others may surpass our abilities, influence, or money, but no one has more time.”

I want us to consider two common ways we mock God in neglecting our stewardship of our short time here on the earth, two principles in which we need forgiveness as much as we find so much grace and fresh opportunity.

1. Complaining About Time is Complaining About God

We must, as Paul wrote in Ephesians, “Redeem the time.” We must maximize our life direction, ponder and prioritize a prayerful manner of life priorities. We must be intentional, because if we are not intentional with our use of time, someone else will do so for us. If you don’t attack life, it will attack you. Jesus said that no one can serve two masters, that one will either serve one or the other. As believers, we are not to be mastered by anyone except the Lord – not circumstances, not peer pressure, not career pursuits, not our children. Therefore, we don’t find time to pray; we make time to pray. We don’t find time to fellowship with other Christians; we prioritize it. It is a commitment to make first things first without compromise, deciding well beforehand what boundary will not be crossed, and what treasure will not be forfeited.
So rightly understood, there are no valid excuses for not praying, not reading the Bible daily, not serving others in church ministry consistently and sacrificially, so that it hurts our wallets significantly, sometimes our health, infringes on our leisure time and vacation destinations, as much as we embrace godly rest and gospel freedom. Even our rest and vacations aren’t always utilized to the glory of God, and sometimes I’m more tired than refreshed from my vacations. Not saying that it’s always a bad thing at all when we want to see all the sights and have a schedule to maximize our vacation trip, so that’s not the issue. But do we prayerfully and intentionally steward that time for God’s glory? As I get older and more beat down, I realize that sometimes, not always, the best use of my vacation, is not to see new things, but to go to one place and spend extended quality time with my wife and children… and really get some rest, get some sleep, have my physical body get a healthy dose of restoration and joy for life and ministry. Is godly wisdom directing those things, or are we simply trying to escape and be entertained? There is no excuse for not caring for our families, not growing in our knowledge of His Word and His character – God simply makes no allowance for neglecting them on the basis of allotment of time or circumstances. He expects us to do those things in the time that He gives us or to strip away the stuff that is peripheral and idolatrous and distracting – it is not a matter of getting a magical 36 hour day that would only add to many people’s wastefulness; it is a matter of wisely using the 24 hours and gifts we already have. Ephesians 5:15-17 urges, “Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil. So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.”

Our time is precious and irretrievable. Once it is gone, it is lost forever. It cannot be hoarded or stored up, only spent frivolously or invested well. One pastor wrote, “If we progress in the economy of time, we are learning to live. If we fail here, we fail everywhere.” The investment or waste of our time is crucial to our worship of God and to our discipleship, a manifestation of our hearts. What kind of legacy will you leave for God’s glory? What will the epitaph on your life say one day? What impact have you made thus far?

I’ve always been inspired and challenged by former Angels pitcher Jim Abbot who, despite not having a right hand and learning to pitch and catch the ball with only his left, enjoyed a long successful major league baseball career. He said, “I’ve learned that it’s not the disability that defines you, it’s how you deal with the challenges the disability presents you with. And I’ve learned that we have an obligation to the abilities we DO have, not the disability… The Bible tells us to be grateful in every situation. I am grateful for mine.”

How about you and I? Do you remember that spiritually, we were all born in a far worse situation? Born separated from God, we were born foolish, ungrateful, rebellious, facing His wrath. 1 Cor 2:14 says the natural man is spiritually appraised. The natural man has the most important things in life exactly reversed: he thinks foolishness is wisdom and wisdom is foolishness. And the way of the fool is that he is right in his own eyes (Prov 12:15). The ultimate destiny of fools, 2 Tim 3:7 says is that they are “always learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” But it is not to be so with God’s people! At salvation every believer has been made wise by God’s Word and Spirit. By God’s grace, Christ Jesus became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness, sanctification, and redemption (1 Cor 1:30). The Scriptures make us wise unto salvation (2 Tim 3:15). In Christ, the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Him and therefore also in us (Col 2:3). The Holy Spirit is our resident truth teacher. We are born again with all provision for wisdom to live for our Lord, yet we must grow in wisdom, and pray for it (James 1:5).

Paul writes, “Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise.” The word “careful” in Greek has the basic meaning of “accurate” and “exact with alertness.” We are to walk wisely as those living in the light. We are to avoid Satan’s traps, and not revert to the practices of our old lives. As Christians, we are not immune from reverting back to foolishness. One way, you and I, sometimes are guilty of that, is by not believing God completely. Jesus said to the men on the Emmaus road, “O foolish men and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken.” (Luke 24:25). To the extent that we do not accept any part of God’s Word, we are foolish. When we place our hope and priorities in making money, keeping up with the Joneses, instead of healthy communion with the Lord and obeying His will by faith – then we are reverting to foolishness, rather than feasting on the riches of eternal kingdom living. What genuine Christian in his or her right mind would ever give up their salvation for all the riches of this world? Not one. And yet in our practical lives, we forfeit our true treasures for things that rust and moths destroy.

In verse 16, Paul writes, “making the most of your time, because the days are evil.” For many people, life is a series of unfinished symphonies, delayed constructions, and half-baked resolutions. No one can turn dream into reality unless he makes the most of his time. Paul here did not use the Greek word chronos, the term for clock time, the continuous time that is measured in hours, minutes, and seconds, but rather kairos which denotes a measured, allocated, fixed season. The word time is also preceded by the definite article, “the” time. God already predetermines the length of our lives. We can achieve our potential in His Service only as we maximize the time He’s set for us. Making the most in Greek is the idea of buying back or buying out. It implies redemption, to redeem the time, buy it all up, and devote it to the Lord. One pastor wrote, “The most foolish thing a Christian can do is to waste time and opportunity, to fritter away his life in trivia and half-hearted service of the Lord.” We must take full advantage of every opportunity to follow God, redeeming our time. Recall the people who hadn’t heeded Noah’s warnings as the Ark door was closed, or the five foolish virgins who let their oil run out before the bridegroom arrived and were then shut out of the wedding feast. Jesus lamented over Jerusalem who He longed to gather like a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and instead, Jerusalem rebelled and killed the prophets. Judas Iscariot, a tragic example of wasted opportunity, spent 3 years with Jesus, loved by Him, only to betray Him for 30 pieces of silver.

Instead let us, by His grace and enablement, strive to fight the good fight and finish our course, keeping the faith. Not only because our days are numbered, but because the days are evil. As we make the most of our opportunities for God, the world will continually and increasingly oppose us. Things will get worse and not better, but God will work to His glory. John MacArthur wrote,

When we have opportunity to do something for His name’s sake and for His glory, we should do so with all that we have. How God’s heart must be broken to see His children ignore or half-heartedly take up opportunity after opportunity that He sends to them. Every moment of every day should be filled with things good, things righteous, things glorifying to God… When our priorities are God’s priorities, He is free to work in us and through us to accomplish great things; but when our priorities are not His priorities, He can do little with us because He has little of us.

I Drew Them…With Bands Of Love

by Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Hosea 11:4

Our heavenly Father often draws us with the cords of love; but ah! how backward we are to run towards Him! How slowly do we respond to His gentle impulses!

He draws us to exercise a more simple faith in Him; but we have not yet attained to Abraham’s confidence; we do not leave our worldly cares with God, but, like Martha, we cumber ourselves with much serving. Our meagre faith brings leanness into our souls; we do not open our mouths wide, though God has promised to fill them. Does He not this evening draw us to trust Him? Can we not hear Him say, ‘Come, My child, and trust Me. The veil is rent; enter into My presence, and approach boldly to the throne of My grace. I am worthy of thy fullest confidence, cast thy cares on Me. Shake thyself from the dust of thy cares, and put on thy beautiful garments of joy.’ But, alas! though called with tones of love to the blessed exercise of this comforting grace, we will not come.

At another time He draws us to closer communion with Himself. We have been sitting on the doorstep of God’s house, and He bids us advance into the banqueting hall and sup with Him, but we decline the honour. There are secret rooms not yet opened to us; Jesus invites us to enter them, but we hold back. Shame on our cold hearts! We are but poor lovers of our sweet Lord Jesus, not fit to be His servants, much less to be His brides, and yet He hath exalted us to be bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh, married to Him by a glorious marriage-covenant. Herein is love! But it is love which takes no denial. If we obey not the gentle drawings of His love, He will send affliction to drive us into closer intimacy with Himself. Have us nearer He will.

What foolish children we are to refuse those bands of love, and so bring upon our backs that scourge of small cords, which Jesus knows how to use!


Weekly Links (4/22/2016)

“The central problem of our age is not liberalism or modernism, nor the old Roman Catholicism or the new Roman Catholicism, nor the threat of communism, nor even the threat of rationalism and the monolithic consensus which surrounds us [nor, I would add today, postmodernism or materialistic consumerism or visceral sensualism or whatever].  All these are dangerous but not the primary threat.  The real problem is this: the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, individually or corporately, tending to do the Lord’s work in the power of the flesh rather than of the Spirit.  The central problem is always in the midst of the people of God, not in the circumstances surrounding them.” (Francis Schaeffer, No Little People)

by Cesar Vigil-Ruiz

Feliz Friday! Another week has quickly flown by! But this week cannot go by without some awesome links, so here they come!

That’s all for this week! Keep Lumos and College Life in prayer as they meet tonight. And if you’re in 6th-12th grade, or a collegian, and would like to join a Bible study for your age group, you’re invited! Come to church hungry for the Word of God!

Soli Deo Gloria

Reflections from (Less than) One Year of Marriage

by Sam Chung

Stephanie and I have been married a little under a year upon writing this article. There are days where we still feel like we are in our honeymoon days and there are also days where life together has become the norm. During this past year, there have been many changes and transitions for us, both individually and as a couple. Some of these changes were expected, while others were not. Through it all, we are both thankful to the Lord in sustaining us and sanctifying us. Although it has only been a year, we have already learned so much and grown as a couple in the Lord. The following are a few points in which we would like to share with you:

  1. God is The Provider (Exodus 16:31-35; Matthew 6:25-34; Romans 8:31-34; Philippians 4:4-7) – Despite its varying contexts, we see that God always provides for His people, from material, physical needs to our greatest need of salvation in Christ Jesus our Lord. In the same way, there have been many things that we were anxious about that we needed to offer up to God. We were not sure about many things: wedding planning, our housing arrangements, job security for the following year, wedding planning (yes, wedding planning had to be repeated), and the list goes on even still (more housing questions, future children, what I should do for our first anniversary). For example, we had to think about the proper timing of our wedding. I had just finished graduate school and Steph was teaching part time. I had to consider whether or not I was willing to trust in God despite not having a job lined up, or even money saved up for a wedding. What were my reasons for pursuing marriage at that moment, or waiting until a later time? In the end, we were able to remind ourselves, and one another, of our need to continually trust in a loving Father who provides. This is not to say that everything went as we had wanted or as we had planned, but God knew what was best for us, allowing what was necessary to occur. In hindsight, we see that God had always provided throughout our times of anxiety. We are still fighting to trust in God with all things. We remind ourselves that our greatest need has already been provided through Christ: His life, death, and resurrection. We have God’s Word and memorable reminders of God’s provisions already, which we use to redirect our hearts to humble ourselves in times of uncertainty. With these things in mind, we look forward to adding to our memories of how our God continues to provide for us.
  2. Marriage Takes Work (Ephesians 5:25-33; Colossians 3:19; 1 Peter 3:7) – This point is one that we were aware of prior to our wedding day. We had gone through the dating and engagement process. We had talked to married couples and gone through premarital counseling. Regardless, this fact brought a whole new meaning when it became even more personal. We quickly displayed to one another our sinfulness and imperfections even more than what we had before. We were really put to the test when we were unable to return to our respective apartments to think through conflicts and return at a later time to resolve them. We had to work things out at that instance, sifting through the emotions and sometimes at the heat of the moment, feet away from each other, to get to the heart issue. We had to put into the practice the commands to love one another, regardless of how we were feeling at that moment. Were we really willing to lay down our own desires and expectations, humbling ourselves, for the service of the other? Even despite seeing how our stance is the (perceived) better one? The reality of two sinners coming together, creating friction became very real, very fast. Although we have had our tough times together already, the commitment to peacemaking and loving one another “til death do us part” brought sweet resolution. We were able to see practical examples of God’s grace that was shown to us. We were able to learn about one another even more in order to serve the other better. We were reminded that God even provided these tough moments to refine us and prune us (John 15:1-17). The hard part is the fact that this is only regarding the two of us! We are still called to love others and serve the church on top of this. We are still working on loving one another better (and will until we die) as well as loving you, the church, better. We trust that it comes with the understanding and willingness to put aside our own desires for our call to love God and people.
  3. Marriage is Fun (Genesis 2:18; Proverbs 31:10-31; Ecclesiastes 9:9) – Just as we were aware of the work that is involved with being married, we were also aware that marriage brings a lot of fun. And just as we did not experience the full extent of the work prior to our wedding, we did not experience the full fun that we have been able to share together until we were married. Going back to our first point of reflection, God provided for us with one another. There are many things we enjoy together now. The companionship that we have found in each other is unparalleled to any other relationship on this earth. To name a few, we love eating, watching TV, eating, laughing, eating, serving and talking together. There are also areas in which we can serve one another because we are better at it. Steph is much cleaner and more organized than I am. I have the physical capabilities of killing spiders. She cooks well. I eat well. She laughs at virtually anything remotely funny. I say things that are remotely funny. Apart from my salvation in Christ, my marriage has been one of the highlights of my life. God provided for me with a spouse, a friend, a partner in ministry, and so much more packaged into 1 person. Marriage is fun and we are excited to see what God has in store for us as we continue on this walk of life together.

These three points are not all comprehensive of our reflections of marriage thus far, but they have been huge themes for us in the past year. God has provided (and will provide) for us, marriage takes work, and marriage is fun. We praise and thank God for our marriage because He is the one who sustains us. We hope that you were encouraged by our reflections from our one-year of marriage and continue to love and serve the Lord together with us.

Marvellous Lovingkindness

by Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Psalm 17:7

When we give our hearts with our alms, we give well, but we must often plead to a failure in this respect. Not so our Master and our Lord. His favours are always performed with the love of His heart. He does not send to us the cold meat and the broken pieces from the table of His luxury, but He dips our morsel in His own dish, and seasons our provisions with the spices of His fragrant affections. When He puts the golden tokens of His grace into our palms, He accompanies the gift with such a warm pressure of our hand, that the manner of His giving is as precious as the boon itself. He will come into our houses upon His errands of kindness, and He will not act as some austere visitors do in the poor man’s cottage, but He sits by our side, not despising our poverty, nor blaming our weakness.

Beloved, with what smiles does He speak! What golden sentences drop from His gracious lips! What embraces of affection does He bestow upon us! If He had but given us farthings, the way of His giving would have gilded them; but as it is, the costly alms are set in a golden basket by His pleasant carriage. It is impossible to doubt the sincerity of His charity, for there is a bleeding heart stamped upon the face of all His benefactions. He giveth liberally and upbraideth not. Not one hint that we are burdensome to Him; not one cold look for His poor pensioners; but He rejoices in His mercy, and presses us to His bosom while He is pouring out His life for us. There is a fragrance in His spikenard which nothing but His heart could produce; there is a sweetness in His honey-comb which could not be in it unless the very essence of His soul’s affection had been mingled with it. Oh! the rare communion which such singular heartiness effecteth! May we continually taste and know the blessedness of it!


Weekly Links (4/15/2016)

“Where in my life am I blurring the lines of truth? Such inward examination should not make us fearful. It is necessary as we seek to fix our eyes on Christ. We don’t keep the course of steadfast faith accidentally. It’s a costly path that requires diligence, repentance, and the Holy Spirit’s sanctifying work.” (Kristyn Getty)

by Cesar Vigil-Ruiz

Feliz Friday! Another week has come and gone, but the links will last…for a while longer. Here’s your week’s links!

  • John Piper was recently interviewed by Michael Reeves for an hour concerning his newest book, A Peculiar Glory: How the Christian Scriptures Reveal Their Complete Truthfulness. Put up your feet for this one. You’re in for a real treat!
  • Some people think that believing in God is like believing in Santa. Is that the case? You might be tempted to agree, but I think this is a great case of a false analogy.
  • Robert Kellemen continues his series on half-biblical ministry to the suffering by emphasizing empathy in our counsel to those who hurt, and contrasting Job’s friends with this biblical model.
  • In light of Heath Lambert’s new book, A Theology of Biblical Counseling, pastor and professor David Murray has been writing some critiques of the book. Robert Kellemen decided to jump in the discussion to add his thoughts (Part 2 is here). I think this will benefit anyone who reads both sides, so make sure you check Murray’s questions and Heath’s response (which Kellemen links to in his post).
  • Ladies, if you’ve been looking for an older woman to mentor you in your walk with Christ, or if you’re about to mentor a younger woman, how would you foster that kind of relationship? Well, here’s 100 questions that will definitely get both older and younger off the ground and into one another’s lives. Guys, a lot of these questions are transferable, so don’t be afraid to take a look at these questions yourselves.
  • Does God love you and have a wonderful plan for your life? Paul Tautges gives a biblical and pastoral response to this common claim made by many within Christian circles.
  • If you have ever heard the name Francis Schaeffer, you know he taught the church much with his insights and life as a godly man. Just to give a taste, here’s 10 things you should know about Schaeffer. May you be challenged to follow his example.
  • Have you ever wondered how the missionary family, whose card is on your refrigerator, is actually doing? How can we encourage them, even today? This post is a great a step in the right direction.
  • Over at The Glory Books blog, Dr. Greg Harris writes of the fact that the Old Testament speaks of Jesus, and shows us where Scripture reveals it. At the Women’s Hope podcast, Jen Wilkins discusses the subject of women’s need to study the Bible, and talks about how to begin the process.
  • Many in the culture believe Christians are intolerant and try to claim tolerance while denying same-sex marriage as a civil right to those who desire it. Ben Crenshaw at The Public Discourse provides a thorough response.
  • Richard Mouw believes Mormons are moving towards orthodoxy. Brett Kunkle of Stand to Reason gives some compelling reasons why this isn’t the case.

That’s all for this week! Please be in prayer for Lumos, as they will be having their lock-in this weekend. And pray for Pastor Patrick as he will be away speaking at New Life Community Church’s retreat, while Chris Gee will be speaking this Sunday.

Soli Deo Gloria

Reflection on the 2016 Singles’ Retreat

by Dawn Hwang

The 2016 Lighthouse Bible Church’s Singles Retreat was … crazy. It was busy, hectic, and tiring. My voice was gone by the first night, which I didn’t get back until the following Thursday, and I felt so physically pushed and exhausted. But at the same time, it was also incredibly fun, encouraging, and humbling. If you were to ask me would I go to retreat again, I would not hesitate to jump up and down and ecstatically scream “Yes!”


This year Pastor Kurt Gebhards, visiting us all the way from Chicago, spoke on the topic of the Lord’s prayer under the theme “The Disciple’s Prayer.” He broke down Matthew 6:9-13 verse by verse and delivered four messages titled (1) Communion with the Father, (2) Commission with the Father, (3) Provision of the Father, and (4) Protection of the Father.

We are disciples of Christ and as a disciple, prayer is an intrinsic part of our lives. The disciple’s prayer, the Lord’s prayer is so familiar to us that we often tend to skip over the beauty and glory of it. Pastor Kurt focused on the implications of the Lord’s prayer and the importance of it for us as disciples.

The first session was on Communion with the Father (Matthew 6:9). During this session, Pastor Kurt challenged us on how we view and value our time in the word. We throw out the terms “quiet times,” “devos”, “devotions” and “DTs” left and right, but what is at the heart of these words? Communion. He explained the importance of relishing our time with the Father and the detrimental repercussions of not doing so, likening it to cutting off our own limbs when we relinquish this time. God has done all that He could to procure our communion with Him and we just want to microwave it instead of slow cooking our time with Him.

The second session seamlessly continued from the first session with the topic, Commission with the Father (Matthew 6:10). Jesus gives us the consequences of communion. When we are able to slow cook our communion with the Father, we find our identity and with any identity comes an activity. Our identity is grounded in Christ and this should and will lead to activity. When Jesus was here on Earth, He took care of everything and He was the Light. But now that He’s in heaven, we are the light of the world. He uses us to do His mission and what an honor that is! Communion and commission work together beautifully and we have to ask ourselves, what are our current commitments to the Great Commission?

The third session was on the Provision of the Father (Matthew 6:11). For someone living in the 1st century, this part of the prayer could have applied quite literally but how does this apply to us, 21st century Americans? The fundamental message that Jesus is telling us to ask for God to provide for us. We all know that our God is a good God and He is a gloriously good provider, but do we really understand and view Him in this way? Pastor Kurt’s challenge allowed us to reflect on whether or not we could genuinely trust that even through all that we’ve gone through, we’re going through, and will go through that God is good.

Pastor Kurt concluded the series of messages with the Protection of the Father (Matthew 6:12-13). We are called to live a perfect life and Jesus is the standard, but we fail thousands of times a day. Every single sin is a debt and when we sin against God, we take something away from Him. Our debt is massive but hallelujah! It is forgiven. The answer to all of these prayers is God, Himself. It’s not about what can God do for me, but that God Himself is what we need. In order to understand the protection of the Father, it’s exceedingly important that we understand justification.


It doesn’t end there! Not only were the sessions awesome, but everything in between was also really great. This year, I had the opportunity to serve as a team captain (woot woot Team Baseball!) and I learned so much through this experience. When I first got my list of teammates, I was somewhat overwhelmed with not personally knowing a good portion of my team as we had Lighthouse Bible Church San Jose and Orange County joining us for retreat. But God is gracious and He showed me so much love through all the people around. It was great getting know to people from the various Lighthouse churches and fellowship was so sweet. The feeling of being overwhelmed quickly dissipated and throughout the retreat, my love for everyone, not just those from San Diego, grew. It was encouraging to see people mingling, learning from each other, being vulnerable with each other, and challenging each other. We were able to witness people who didn’t know anything about each other form a relationship on the sole foundation of Christ.

This retreat was such a good reminder of God’s goodness and as I mentioned earlier, if I could attend retreat again, I would jump at the opportunity.