By God’s design, churches depend on faithful leadership in order to be strong, healthy, productive, and fruitful. Scripture teaches that God has given elders to each local congregation in order to oversee and lead his people. As those tasked with feeding and protecting the flock, elders will one day give an account before the Lord for the souls under their spiritual care (Heb. 13:17). Any who wish to lead in the church must demonstrate personal holiness, doctrinal purity, self-sacrifice, spiritual discipline, and Christ-centered devotion (1 Tim. 4:12-16).
Elders hold authority delegated to them from Christ the Head to provide leadership and give oversight to local church affairs. Yet their authority is not coerced by force or intimidation; rather, it is an authority built on precept and example to which the church gladly submits (cf. Heb. 13:17). Though elders are called to lead the local church, the congregation does not belong to them. The members of the church constitute the “flock of God” (1 Pet. 5:2), which he bought (Acts 20:28) and for which the elders serve as caretakers and stewards. The following are the men whom God has entrusted to oversee Lighthouse Bible Church.


Patrick Cho
(Senior Pastor)
Education: History major with a minor in Philosophy from UCSD (1999). M.Div. from The Master’s Seminary (2004).
Testimony: I grew up in a Christian home and have lived in San Diego almost my entire life. Although I accumulated a lot of knowledge about the Bible and a basic understanding of the facts of the gospel as a child, it was not until my early years of college that God graciously saved me. He helped me to realize that I was living purely for myself and had not surrendered my life to Christ’s lordship. I praise God for my salvation and now strive to live in the strength He provides all for His glory.

James Lee
(Associate Pastor)
Education: History major with a minor in Mathematics from UCLA (1996). M.Div. from Talbot Theological Seminary (2000)
Testimony: I first began to attend church in 2nd grade when my father came to saving faith, but for many years, I had no desire for God as I was running away from Him, rather than to Him. However, in the summer before 8th grade, I was convicted of my sinful rebellion and I providentially came to know and trust Christ as my Lord and Savior. With a new heart and new eyes, God was no longer far away, but lovingly near. I learned His forgiveness wasn’t earned, nor lost, but mercifully paid for, humbly received, and divinely preserved, not because of James, but because of Jesus.

Roger Alcaraz
(Associate Pastor)
Education: Astrophysics major with a minor in education studies from UCSD (2009). M.Div from the Master’s seminary (2014).
Testimony: My love for Lighthouse stems from the fact that this is where I first heard the gospel. Everyone here was bold and loving enough to tell me that I am a sinner in need of a savior. I had never heard such a claim, and for several months, refused to believe it since my life was relatively moral. It wasn’t until someone walked me through the perfect life of Christ that I saw my standard was too low and that my sense of goodness could never make me innocent before God. I prayed that God would give me the faith I need to be saved and within a few months, he answered. I knew from then on that God is real and that he sent his Son, Jesus, to suffer the wrath that my sins deserved and that because he still lives, I have a future hope with him.

Johnny Kim
It is a blessing to be a part of this loving church family and I am truly humbled and grateful that God would use me as His instrument to help shepherd and care for His flock. My wife and four children enjoy taking part in the life of our bigger Lighthouse church family. It is my hope and desire that Lighthouse will always be a church that stands for God’s truth and the spreading of the Gospel of Christ. My constant prayer is that we as members of Lighthouse would live out the Lighthouse Mission, Vision, and Passion in accordance with God’s commands and glorify Him with our entire lives.

Peter Lim
It’s my privilege to serve our congregation as an elder. Former Pastor John Kim and I were roommates at UCLA in the 80s where we stayed up many nights discussing what a church ought to be like. LBC is the culmination of those dreams, not that we are perfect. We know that God is continuing to bless our efforts because we see people coming to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior and people growing in their faith. It is my desire and passion in life is to train up young men who will be able to teach others also.

Kevin Tse
As an elder at Lighthouse Bible Church in San Diego, my prayer is that our congregation would seek the Lord with all our hearts, minds and souls on a daily basis, through good times and through adversity. LBCSD is the place where I have grown up spiritually through the teaching and the relationships God has blessed me with over the years. I am thankful to LBCSD for helping me to have a high view of God and of His Word. Together, we are called to run this race of faith fixing our eyes on the ultimate prize who is Christ, the author and perfecter of our faith. I look forward to running this race of faith together.

John Rudolph
I feel so blessed to have the privilege of serving as an elder at LBCSD. Being a scientist, I have spent a good deal of time delving into creation/evolution, and the evidence behind Christianity. Through that God helped me to understand His omnipotence, omniscience, and the tremendous love He poured out on us through His Son Jesus. I love being at a church that holds the literal truth of God’s Word in such high esteem, and being able to serve alongside such a dedicated team of elders that care so much for the members of the church.