Flexing Some Muscle

by Pastor Patrick Cho

It’s been three weeks since the pastoral staff has been working out together on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Honestly, I didn’t think I would ever get to a point where I would actually enjoy that time, but strangely, I now look forward to it. It has been easier getting myself ready and out the door. The one part of it that I particularly dreaded was the treadmill. (I can’t express how much I abhor running.) But honestly, that part of it really isn’t that bad anymore either. It’s not that it’s easier. I still have a looong way to go before I get anywhere near being healthy. =) It’s just that I’ve gotten used to it and the workout wouldn’t be the same without it.

At first, working out in the mornings would drain me physically for the rest of the day. My body would be sore and achy all week. Now, I think my body has grown accustomed to it, and I actually feel like I have more strength and energy each day. It’s amazing how a little bit of discipline can go a long way.

One other interesting observation is that it seems when I am doing well physically, my spiritual life comes on board and improves as well. I know bodily discipline is of little profitable and that I should discipline myself for the purpose of godliness, but being disciplined in general affects my life as a whole. I eat better, I sleep better, and I spend better time with the Lord. Perhaps it is because my mindset is to be disciplined. When I don’t have this discipline in my life, my spiritual walk tends to be more sporadic and inconsistent.

I’m so thankful for the accountability that John and J.R. bring each week. I’m sure it’s not always going to be easy for us to keep this going, but knowing that I’m the one with the key to the gym gets me up. If I’m late, I affect everyone. =)

Please pray for the pastoral staff in this regard. We understand the importance of exercising regularly because we need the energy that comes with it. We don’t want to be a bunch of sluggish sacks of fat. I heard once that Eric Alexander characterized American preachers that way. He said that he could always tell who was a lazy pastor because they were fat. Pastoral ministry is difficult enough without our bodies slowing us down unnecessarily. Please pray for this discipline that we might be more effective for God’s kingdom as a result. And maybe, just maybe, one day J.R. won’t make me and John look so bad!

3 thoughts on “Flexing Some Muscle

  1. Wury Kim

    Haha. I love it that you guys are keeping each other accountable even in the physical sense! Woohoo for running!

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