Grace Yi

by Courtney Chow

God has brought an array of people to Lighthouse and to be part of the church family. Among the believers with very different backgrounds is cheery and gentle Grace Yi. She is in her second to last quarter as a UCSD undergrad. Grace is actively a part of the Collegelife ministry as well as Lighthouse Kids Club, and Cleaning Ministry.

I know you’re not a native to the San Diego area so what do you consider to be your hometown?

I’m a Navy brat, so my hometown has always been where my family was. Currently, my parents and youngest brother live in Seoul, South Korea. Most of my tours were international, each lasting 1-3 years. College is actually the first time I’ll be in one place for four consecutive years!

Wow. We don’t have many people who grew up in Navy families at Lighthouse. What is your family like?

My family of five includes my two younger brothers: Jonathan, 18, and Michael, 13. Contrary to what many may think, life with a military dad is actually quite relaxed, apart from our morning physical training sessions and marching practices. Just kidding. We’re a pretty relaxed bunch and frequently organize family trips. While there is no evidence that they are believers, I’m extremely thankful for them nevertheless. God has used them to teach me to cling to Him.

Since you did not grow up in a family of believers, how did you become a Christian?

Despite having been a faithful church attendant and participant for a good chunk of my life, God began shedding light on my heart’s true condition towards the end of 2007. I had begun attending Collegelife earlier that year, and to this day remember how moved I was to hear the series on the Foundations of the Gospel. It wasn’t until that fall that God helped me see how ugly my heart was by my hypocrisy; my words and actions were not aligned with what I was learning from God’s word. He showed me how undeserving I was and how much I needed Him. I stand before you today as one who loves Christ more than ever. We serve an amazing God.

Why did you decide to become a member at Lighthouse?

I decided to become a member because I wanted the accountability. Over time, God showed me the importance of a church family and the wonderful blessings that came with being apart of one. I wanted others to help me grow in my love and devotion for Christ, and, God willing, the opportunity to help others love Christ more; membership was that chance to make that happen. Also, I was very encouraged by how serious the leaders of LBC took the issue of membership. It was great to see how passionate they were to have the church fulfill the MVP. To this day, it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made!

What aspects of the Lighthouse family are you most encouraged by?

I am so encouraged by how the LBC family strives to be disciples of Christ 24/7. Sunday mornings and Friday evenings are not just a time to charge up their religious power meter to cruise through the rest of the week. Instead, this family shows a concern and passion to honor God every minute throughout each day, week, month and year. I’m also encouraged by how members have followed the command to serve. From the guys in the sound booth to nursery staff, I appreciate seeing how people have stepped up to the plate.

How do you want to be involved at LBC in the next year?

God willing that I am in California next year, I hope to be more involved in the lives of LBC’s families. Serving in Lighthouse Kids’ Club has given me the amazing opportunity to meet the children, but I hope to build relationships and serve their families as well.