Editor's Note: October 2009

by Stephen Rodgers

As the new editor, I guess this is where I try to say something humorous, informative, Biblical, and profound.

As most of you who frequent this blog probably know, there are going to be some significant changes coming in the next month or two.  We’re probably 5-6 weeks away from genuinely new content, since we have to go through a full 4-week cycle of notifying all our new contributors, reviewing submitted content, and preparing it for publication.

However, the new staff is already hard at work converting and preparing the previous unpublished Beacon content, and if the Lord wills it you should start seeing those articles quietly uploaded to the blog within a week or two.  The absolute easiest way for you to keep up with that is by subscribing to the RSS feed (note: actually, that won’t work since I’m pre-dating the articles so that they’ll archive properly), but I’ve also enabled search functionality, categorical sorting, and monthly archives if you prefer a more manual approach to the blog.  Plus, I’m going to do my best to give you a weekly post as well, be that an update of some sort, links to other material, or a letter from a friend at the Ostrava church.

In the interest of full disclosure, I have also unapproved all comments previously made, closed the comments for all previous posts, and disabled comments on future posts.  It’s one less thing for me to worry about while we get up and running.

Please bear with us as we iron out all the kinks, shake out the dust, and generally figure out what all these pretty buttons do.

Pro Rege