Care Ministry

by Chris Lim

Increase Your Passion in 2010…by joining Care Ministry!

Lighthouse Bible Church has a three-fold mission, vision and passion commonly referred to as our M.V.P. statement. Our passion statement is to “love God and love people” taken from Matthew 22:37-40. By having a deep and growing love relationship with God, it allows us look outside of ourselves and desire to care for the people God has placed in our lives.

Do you want to increase your “passion” for serving others? Then consider joining Care Ministry. Care Ministry seeks to serve and care for the church body in very practical and tangible ways ranging from a note of encouragement, a timely care package or more recently, a discerning set of eyes to check your automobile for any car trouble you’ve noticed lately.

While mostly behind the scenes, Care Ministry is one of the most pervasive ministries at Lighthouse as we seek to care for the different needs of our fellowship groups (college, singles and families) and also celebrate special “life events” such as the birth of a new child or those getting married.

Our seven current Care sub-ministries are:

  1. Meal Ministry – Provides and delivers meals to individuals/families due to sickness, special needs or most commonly the arrival of a newborn.
  2. Special Events Ministry – Serves the church body by adding a special “touch” to church events like our Christmas Concert, Baptisms, Annual Church Banquet and other church-wide events.
  3. Encouragement Box Ministry – Seeks to encourage people in the church by writing a note of encouragement to them (available each Sunday)
  4. Care Package Ministry – Makes and delivers care packages for College students during finals exams or for those sent on military deployments.
  5. Baby Shower Ministry – Plans a time of encouragement/fellowship for expecting moms
  6. Bridal Shower Ministry – Organizes a party for a bride-to-be in anticipation for her wedding
  7. February Care Month Ministry – Devotes a month to direct the church’s attention to how they can actively participate in our care ministries.

The next three sub-ministries have just started or will be starting very soon:

  1. Car Care Ministry (already started) – Seeks to maintain, correct and prevent any vehicular problem (big or small) or to get an honest assessment of your vehicle and its needs before going to the mechanic. For a check-up, contact Thomas Fong, Quang Duong or Randy Sarmiento.
  2. LBC Babysitting Ministry (starting February 2010) – Provides complimentary babysitting/childcare for those in LBC’s Gracelife/Family ministry so that they can enjoy the evening out.
  3. Elder Care Ministry (starting January 2010) – Seeks to encourage and support our Elders and Pastors and their families.

As some of you are familiar, each February at Lighthouse is known as “Care Month,” where we will brainstorm a few special ways for the church body to serve and encourage each other. In previous years, we have put together encouragement scrapbooks for our elders and formed an “Adopt-A-Family” concept that allowed singles and college small groups to get to know the families better. Last year, we had a special “Mother/Sister” lunch event that allowed the moms/wives to hangout with the singles ladies at the UTC Food Court. If you’d like to help out for Care Month 2010, our team is forming very shortly.

As a final reminder, there are no special talents required to join Care Ministry – just a desire and heart to serve. For questions or more information about participating in Care Ministry or Care Month, please contact Chris Lim at