Weekly Links (5/17/2010) (Monday Edition)

by Stephen Rodgers

“What? Weekly Links on a Monday?!” I know, it’s a shocker. An unexpected gift. Like Christmas in May, but without the months of annoying department-store music leading up to it. But here’s a few articles and videos we weren’t able to squeeze in the past few weeks that you don’t want to miss:

  • First of all, if you missed any of the interview with Michael Horton, you can catch all the parts here. I hope you all enjoyed that as much as I did. (VIDEO)
  • For anyone involved in the operations of the church, you might find the Security at Church blog interesting. Not everything is relevant to everyone, but there are some real insights into some areas that we could benefit from by thinking about a bit more. (BLOG)
  • Over at the DG Blog, they have a great post up on the nuances of the road to Emmaus account in Luke 24:13-35. It’s entitled “The Eyes Jesus Opened First” and I think you’d really like it. (Yes…you!) (WEB)
  • Over at the Aristophrenium, Adam tackles some common misinterpretations and confusion surrounding the often-quoted statement that “God is Love.” (WEB)
  • And I saved this for last, because it is AWESOME. This is four and a half minutes of a fellow named Tony Carter. “Who’s Tony Carter?” you ask. Apparently he’s a pastor who is quite Gospel-centered in his preaching, AND illustrates his sermons with every book or play I had to read back in AP English. As someone with a degree in Literature, I am freaking out with joy. Check out “Every Time: Grace Wins” and then join me in searching out anything else he’s ever preached. (VIDEO)

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