New Visitor’s Team Update

by Ted Su

The MVP of the NVT

Several months ago, when Pastor John preached on the importance of the MVP (or the Mission, Vision, and Passion) of Lighthouse Bible Church and how it undergirds everything we strive to do in ministry, I was challenged to take it to the test…really, everything? What about the New Visitor’s Team?

The New Visitor’s Team (or NVT) was one of the first ministries I joined when I became a member of Lighthouse almost 6 years ago. Back then I was a second-year medical student eager to be a part of a church where I can grow and serve. The moment I stepped into the church, I was literally surrounded by several members of the team who kindly introduced themselves to me. Later in the new visitor orientation, they reviewed the gospel and went over how to find the right church. It is a day that is still “fresh” in my mind.

Since then, I have become part of the team, led by our coordinator Hwa Park. From welcoming people to church every Sunday morning to providing assistance with parking to leading the new visitor orientation to personally following up with first-time visitors, I have had the opportunity to meet many new faces whom I might not otherwise have gotten to know at our church. Each time I am able to share with a new visitor the reasons I decided to commit to Lighthouse, I am reminded of God’s goodness in giving me a church family I do not deserve.

Over the years, I have seen various changes made within the ministry to improve the way we can serve and minister to both new visitors and members. One thing, however, has remained the same: the commitment of the NVT to the MVP of our church. So, how does the NVT fulfill the MVP of Lighthouse Bible Church?

1. The MISSION of Lighthouse Bible Church: To Make Disciples of Christ (Matt 28:18-20)

  • Every new visitor that walks through our doors has the opportunity to hear the gospel message during our new visitor orientation.
  • New visitors are introduced to the biblical concept of church membership and the importance of committing to a local body of believers in order to grow as a disciple of Christ, receive accountability, and exercise their God-given gifts.
  • As we invite new visitors to other church functions, we encourage them in the lifelong process of discipleship.

2. The VISION of Lighthouse Bible Church: To Plant Churches (Acts 1:8)

  • We support the vision of planting churches by “recruiting” new soldiers for the army of Christ.
  • During our new visitor orientation, we share about the vision of our church and the vital role of church-planting in fulfilling the Great Commission.

3. The PASSION of Lighthouse Bible Church: To Love God and People (Matt 22:37-40)

  • We personally follow up with every new visitor that signs in on Sunday morning.
  • We strive to do all things—from greeting people on Sunday mornings to providing assistance with parking and security—as a visible expression of our love for God and His people.

It has been a real joy and privilege to be able to fulfill the MVP of Lighthouse through this ministry. If you are a member and considering joining the team, I encourage you to contact Hwa Park at Please pray that our team will continue to keep the MVP at the heart of everything that we do, especially as we reach out and interact with each person that comes to our church, all to the glory of God.