Cleaning Ministry Update

by Andy Shin

What We Do

We clean Saturday and Sunday nights each weekend. Typically it starts at 6p, or later depending on church events, and takes about 2 hours.

Cleaning Ministry Is What You Make of It

It is totally dependent on your schedule. At the beginning of each month, I will email everyone and ask for the dates you are available to clean. Based on your replies, I set the staff/schedule for each day of that month. We do ask you to commit to the days that you are assigned or find a replacement if you can’t make it.


With several members leaving with the San Jose church plant and collegians leaving for the summer, there is definitely a need for more help. Please come talk to me if you are interested!

Please continue to pray for the ministry as well! Pray that we would serve joyfully. While the tasks may be as simple as vacuuming or taking out the trash, our prayer is that we would see it as a time of worship and fellowship as we serve the Lord and the church.