LBC Weekly SPARK – July 1, 2010

by Pastor Patrick Cho

Greetings to all our LBC family and friends!

I hope you are doing well and walking in the Lord! Perhaps your week has been following the normal routine, but the church has been super busy and active this week due to the Vacation Bible School going on. There are about thirty staff members who have had the opportunity to work with over forty kids, and the time has been amazing! When you come to church this Sunday, you’ll be able to see much of the decorations that have gone up for VBS. You’ll also have a chance to sing some of the songs and get some of the VBS experience, so it should be an amazing time of family worship! Please continue to pray for the staff as we wrap up the week. It has been tiring but it has also been greatly rewarding being able to pass on our knowledge of the glory of God to the next generation.

In His grace,

Pastor Patrick


  1. Communion Sunday. Don’t forget that we will be taking communion together this Sunday. Please prepare your hearts for this time and be sure to address any sin issues in your lives with conflict situations in particular (cf. 1 John 1:9; 1 Cor. 11:17-35). We should strive to come to fellowship with our hearts right before the Lord.
  2. Sunday Morning Prayer. There is a group that meets for prayer every Sunday morning at 8:00am in Room 108. This is an informal time to lift up the needs of the church and pray for one another. If you’re looking for a way to serve, this is a great place to start.
  3. San Jose Church Plant. Please continue to pray for the San Jose church plant team as they prepare to depart for the Bay Area. D-Day (Departure Day) is less than two weeks away! Please pray for Pastor John and Angela, and the leaders of the team as they make final preparations and get the team ready. Please also pray for jobs and housing for the team members. Be sure to pick up a church plant brochure and contact card this Sunday if you have not already done so.


  1. Padres Game. For those of you who have signed up for the Padres game, we will be meeting at the church at 5:30pm on Friday, July 2 to carpool to the game. We will be heading to the game in vans so please bring an extra dollar or two for parking. If you are not able to make the carpool, please be sure to get your tickets ahead of time. The tickets are $18 and you can make checks out to “Lighthouse Bible Church.” Contact Pastor Patrick if you have any questions.
  2. Fourth of July Park Day. We are going to be taking a break from our normal Sunday School hour this summer. Since this weekend is a holiday, we’ll be spending the day at the park playing outdoor sports and enjoying a good meal. After first service, we’ll head over to Torrey Hills Community Park at around 11:30am. The GraceLife ministry will be hosting a fundraiser BBQ lunch to help raise money for the church plant. The cost for food is only $5/person and $3/child (ages 3-12). Be sure to bring your sunscreen and a change of clothes this weekend!
  3. Send Off Sunday. As July 11 is “D-Day” for our San Jose church plant team, in order to give us adequate time to send the team off with our love, we will be having an all-day fellowship on that Sunday. The day will begin with a special morning service during our normal worship time from 9:00-11:00am. We will also have an afternoon fellowship at the park from 12:00-4:00pm where lunch will be served. Finally, we will have a special evening service from 6:00-8:30pm at the church with Pastor Chris Mueller as our guest speaker. It is going to be a full day to send off our team and say our goodbyes!


  1. Lumos Youth Retreat. The youth group will be heading out to Lake Morena this weekend from July 2-4. The theme for the retreat is “Stepping Heavenward.” Please have your youth kids at the church by 5:30pm on Friday evening. The group plans to be back by 2:00pm on Sunday afternoon.
  2. Singles Day at the Bay. The singles will be having a Day at the Bay from 9:00am-5:00pm on Saturday, July 3. More information will be coming in a follow up email to the singles. Please mark your calendars and make sure you come to this awesome event!
  3. College/Singles Ministry. The joint College and Singles Friday night Bible study will begin meeting on Friday, July 9 at 7:00pm at the church. This summer, we will be walking through the book of Colossians. Visit the websites for College Life ( and Single Life ( for more information about the respective groups.
  4. GraceLife Summer Small Groups. GraceLife summer small groups will begin meeting on the week of July 4-11. If you signed up for a small group, your leader should be contacting you in the next few days to set up a time to meet. A separate email will be sent out to GraceLife to double check that everyone who signed up got assigned to a group. Please contact Pastor Patrick if you have any questions.
  5. Summer Kids’ Club. Summer Kids’ Club will be starting up on Wednesday, July 14 from 6:30-8:00pm each week. This summer, we will be conducting a series on the Armor of God! Registration forms are available from Joshua Liu ( The cost is only $30/child. Please sign up your child as soon as possible! If you are interested in serving on staff, please contact Joshua by Tuesday, July 6.