GraceLife Ministry Update

by Pastor Patrick Cho

Since the beginning of Lighthouse Bible Church, we have known that there needed to be a great investment made in the families and married couples of the church. This group in some ways would provide much of the stability that the church needed to grow. Throughout the years, GraceLife has undergone several structural changes as the leaders sought to best minister to this group. This past term, we decided to meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays to discuss the Sunday sermons and it was a huge encouragement!

From various interactions with different members, I have found that not too many people interact with their sermon notes after Sunday. Most people do not remember what the previous Sunday’s message was about, and if they do, they have not really thought through the importance of the message to their life. The purpose of the GraceLife homework was to provide a catalyst to get people to reflect more on the Sunday messages. As a result, most of the members in GraceLife said they thought more about the sermons than ever before. By completing the homework each week and having the large group discussions, the hope was that it would make it easier to discuss the Sunday messages with others in different contexts and casual conversations. We wanted to not just facilitate a discussion time within GraceLife, but to influence the greater practice of the church.

This was to begin in the home. Since the men and women of GraceLife met on separate evenings, our hope was that married couples and families would come together sometime during the week to discuss the homework. Even in casual conversations, perhaps one person could comment about something interesting that was said on Sunday that they did not really think much about before.

I was glad to hear that the single adults were also completing these sermon worksheets for their small groups, and that the discussions that stemmed from the homework were greatly helpful each week. This is one of the reasons why we have decided to continue with the worksheets in the fall when we meet together in our monthly flocks. Again, the purpose is not simply to give an assignment to complete, but to get the church to the point where having spiritual conversations reflecting upon the Sunday sermons is normal, everyday, and routine.

The leaders of GraceLife were also really encouraged to see the turnout each week. Seeing so many men and women come out shows a desire to grow spiritually and to enjoy godly fellowship. Through our small groups, we were also able to provide much needed accountability. One vital lesson we wanted every member to realize was that spiritual growth came not only from what was learned each week, but also from the investment that was made in others. As people participated in the weekly discussions and small group times, the group (and in turn the church as a whole) was strengthened.

In the fall, the plan is to move GraceLife to Sunday mornings as a Sunday School class. Certainly this will be difficult for some, but for most of the group it will be helpful. Instead of meeting separately, couples will be able to worship and study together. Meeting on Sunday will also free up the rest of the week for small groups. The format should really be beneficial in the end and the leaders are really excited for it. As we walk through the book of Mark together, I am confident that examining the life of Christ will be truly edifying and a blessing.