Weekly Links (8/6/2010)

by Stephen Rodgers

Hey there everybody…it’s been a bit of a strange week. There’s been a couple of very popular topics that I think need to be addressed, and then we’ll fill in the remaining space with some other good stuff.

Anne Rice

The first thing that happened this week was that Anne Rice (of vampire-novel fame), rejected Christianity publicly on her Facebook page. From the few conversations I’ve had, I’m guessing that about 5% of you are saying “Really?,” another 5% of you are saying “Anne Rice was a Christian?,” and about 90% of you are asking “Who’s Anne Rice?” In any event, I thought the responses to this were quite good:

Prop 8

The second item of note this week was the overturning of Prop 8 by a US District Judge. There have been a number of responses and essays written, that run the spectrum from the cool and calculated (Dr. Mohler) to the not-so (Dr. White). First, some required pre-reading (if you’re going to dive into this topic, or Lord protect and shield you, the comments section):

I’ll post some links here for you to read, if you so choose:

Everything Else

For anyone not interested in either of the above (although I think both topics are relevent to us as Christians and our attitudes towards those struggling with a variety of issues), I’ll leave you with these AWESOME gems. (And just because I had someone in mind when I flagged them, doesn’t mean you can’t read them, enjoy them, and talk to others about them):

See you Sunday!

Pro Rege