Weekly Links (9/10/2010)

by Stephen Rodgers

Well, we made it to Friday! And to help you get through the day, here’s a new batch of links for you to enjoy:

  • Over at the Resurgence, the interview with Randy Alcorn continues. This time, they discuss the question of what is a generosity theology? (VIDEO)
  • I recently discovered a new blog on the recommendation of Dan Phillips (of Bibchr and PyroManiacs fame). In this post, the author critically dismantles the way that atheists sometimes try to use the “No True Scotsman” fallacy in arguments with Christians. (WEB)
  • The unpronounceable Tullian Tchividjian has a wonderful article on vocation and the glory of God. And I’m pretty sure the title is a reference to Kuyper, so that’s the second time this week I’ve been made happy by a dead Dutch theologian. (WEB)
  • This has to be one of my favorite things I saw this week. It’s an excerpt from Tim Keller’s talk at the 2007 TGC conference, and it is excellent. If you only look at one link today, this should be it. (VIDEO)
  • Over at Ligonier, RC Sproul explores the question of “If God is Sovereign, Why Pray?” Part one is here, and part two is here. (WEB)
  • Here’s one for all the marrieds at the church: over at the Mars Hill Blog, Mark and Grace Driscoll each give their top 18 lessons-learned from 18 years of marriage. (WEB)
  • And last but definately not least…remember how sad I was when the Al Mohler radio program ran it’s last episode? Well, as they say in the movies, he’s baaaaaaaaaaaack. And with not one, but TWO podcasts! (I’m so happy!) (AUDIO)

There were some other major events that happened this week of course. That fellow down in Florida got everyone in a tizzy with his whole burn-the-Koran stunt, and Stephen Hawking seems to have announced that the law of gravity disproves God. And while I’d like to take those issues seriously, I have a bit of a hard time taking these particular instances of them seriously. They just strike me as publicity stunts. As Jon Acuff wisely noted, “If they’ve got a book they’re releasing or a new album within two weeks of their proclamation, they haven’t really made a proclamation, they’ve made a press release.”

See you Sunday!

Pro Rege