LBC Weekly SPARK – October 28, 2010

by Pastor Patrick Cho

Hello dear LBC family and friends,

I hope you are doing well and walking in the Lord. It’s been several weeks since I last sent an email out, so I apologize for that. As the holiday season approaches, we are entering a time of the year when many friends and family who do not typically go to church might be open to the idea. It really is a wonderful chance to invite them to come and hear God’s Word preached. Even still, this is a mindset that we should keep all year. Instead of waiting for special events and activities, we should always look for opportunities to share the gospel with others and help them come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior. Every week, there are multiple opportunities to at least invite friends to events at church. Not only do we have our regular Sunday service, but we also have our Friday night Bible studies, monthly flocks, etc. Take some time to consider Paul’s words from 1 Corinthians 9:23, “I do all things for the sake of the gospel….” Let’s really seek to live up to our name and serve as a bright shining beacon here in San Diego to our family, friends, coworkers, and roommates.

In His grace,

Pastor Patrick

Here are the announcements for this week:

  1. Flocks. Don’t forget that this is flocks week, so our regularly scheduled mid-week activities will be put on hold. Flocks information can be found at our church website You can also download the flocks worksheet from the website.
  2. Fall Festival. This Sunday is our annual Fall Festival! It will be at the church from 5:00-10:00pm. We will be offering a variety of food, games, and activities, so come out and invite your friends! Adults are $5 and kids are free! Be sure to bring a decorated pumpkin for our pumpkin carving competition (carve it and then bring it). We will also have a mini-pumpkin competition for the kids (draw on it and then bring it). Costumes are encouraged, but please keep them appropriate and non-scary. See you all there!
  3. All-Church Retreat. This Sunday is the last day to sign up for the All-Church Retreat!!! Be sure to see Ryan Short and Jonathan Yang in the foyer to reserve your spot. The retreat will be on November 5-7 at Pine Valley Bible Camp. Our speaker is Jonathan Leeman, who will be addressing the theme of “True Love.” The cost is $150/adult, $140/ for college and youth, and $75/child. Different financial aid options are available, so please do not let money be the reason you do not go. If you have paid the deposit to reserve your spot, please pay your remaining balance this Sunday with the registrars.
  4. Membership Class. We will be having our next two-part membership class on Saturday, November 13, from 9:00am-12:00pm, and Sunday, November 14, from 1:00-4:00pm. Both classes are necessary for attendance. If you are interested in becoming a member, please see Pastor Patrick for an application.
  5. Thanksgiving Potluck/Vision Quest. This year’s Thanksgiving Potluck will serve as a Vision Quest event for the church. The dinner will be on Sunday, November 21, at 5:30pm, at the church. We’ll have a chance to reflect on the year and to learn more about the Mission of LBC. More details to come!
  6. Christmas Concert. The Christmas Concert will be on Saturday, December 11, at 6:00pm, at the church. This is a great opportunity to invite your family and friends to come listen to good music and hear the message of the gospel. If you are interested in performing in this year’s concert, please contact Eugene Park.
  7. Engagement. Congratulations to Garrett Glende and Wury Kim on their engagement! I know they are up in San Jose now, but we’re still thinking of them and want to support them in their engagement.
  8. New Babies. Congratulations to several of our families who recently delivered a baby! Let’s be praying for our growing families:

Hansol and Angella An – Marcus Nolan (8/12)
Randy and Elaine Sarmiento – Charlotte Rose (8/27)
Min and Jane Kim – Charles Andrew (8/30)
Brian and Beverly Chan – Solomon Brian (9/16)
Eugene and Sallie Yang – Matthew Ryan (10/10)
J. R. and Kathy Cuevas – Jayden Christopher (10/14; San Jose)