Studying the End

by Pastor Patrick Cho

This past Sunday, we met for the first of four Bible studies on end times. It is easy to see why such a topic would generate such great interest. It isn’t an everyday occurrence for people to hear that someone could accurately predict future events. This is one of the most fascinating studies in the Bible. Of course, secular scholars have tried to debunk biblical prophecy for ages. Since they operate from the presupposition that predictive prophecy (or anything else that is miraculous and supernatural) is impossible, they need to find some other solution for it. They postulate that these portions of the Bible were not written when they say they were, but were added later, even though evidence indicates otherwise.

For the believer, this is an essential study. It is important to know what the Bible says about how everything will end. God is the one who began everything, and He has also given us great detail about how it will all end. Here are some basic reasons why studying end times should be pursued by every believer.

First, these portions of Scripture are Scripture. Paul told Timothy that all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable (2 Tim. 3:16). If God decided to reveal something to us in His Word, we would do well to study and learn it. Every believer is to engage in a pursuit of truth. We are to grow deeper and deeper in our understanding of God’s Word and to be diligent to handle it accurately (2 Tim. 2:15). The deeper our understanding of God’s Word, the deeper will be our understanding of God.

Second, knowing the end gives us great confidence as believers to live the Christian life. Christ promised that this world would hate us just as they hated Him (John 15:18). Paul told Timothy that those who seek to live a godly life in Christ will be persecuted (2 Tim. 3:12). The question is left, then, “Is it all worth it?” Having a clear understanding of the future brings greater confidence that the answer is yes. This is why Paul said that if we did not have any hope for the future, we are of all men most to be pitied (1 Cor. 15:19). Who signs up for a difficult life if there is no hope that things will be better in the end?

Third, studying end times gives us a better understanding of the character of God. He is in control. He knows the beginning, and He knows the end. Despite what Open Theism might teach, God does know with absolute certainty what will happen tomorrow. The Psalmist wrote that God knew all his days even before he saw one of them (Ps. 139:16). The greater our appreciation of God, the deeper our worship of Him will be.

Fourth, knowing what the Bible says about end times gives us greater urgency to tell people about Jesus. This life is short to begin with. That is one of the major themes of Psalm 90. Man is transitory, but God is eternal. But, aside from the fact that life is short, Jesus is also coming quickly (Rev. 22:20; cf. 2 Pet. 3:9). Indeed, He could come today. Knowing that our time is limited drives us to share the gospel with those around us, and especially with those we love.

Fifth, understanding the end motivates us to live holy lives. When I was a kid, sometimes I would do things I wasn’t supposed to do (I won’t give any details). But I always made sure that I wasn’t doing those things around the time that my parents would come home. Why? Because I didn’t want to get in trouble, but also because I didn’t want to suffer the shame of being caught in it. Those who live with the realization that Jesus could come today probably will not comfortably allow sin to be in their lives. Those who live as though the Lord will tarry for sure might be more at ease to fall into the temptations of this world and sin. Having a good understanding of the future is the basis behind leading righteous lives in the present (cf. 1 Cor. 15:58).

Finally, understanding what happens in the end will keep our priorities in the right place. Jesus told His disciples to store up treasure in heaven, and not on earth (Matt. 6:20-21). Those who live as though this life is all there is will invest everything they have into this life. They will pursue the pleasures of this world (which are not all evil necessarily). They will make their lives all about pursuing pleasure, seeing the world, and living and dying comfortably. Those who have a clear sense that this life is not the end will invest what they have in the life to come. Compared to eternity, what is our existence here on earth?

For these reasons (and many more!), I wanted to conduct that evening study on end times. Hopefully all the members of the church will be able to come out and benefit from it. For those who came out on Sunday, hopefully it wasn’t too confusing, fast, or frustrating! As long as we have God’s Word, let’s not slow down in our pursuit to know it from cover to cover.