LBC Weekly SPARK – March 17, 2011

by Pastor Patrick Cho

Dear LBC family and friends,

By now, I’m sure you’ve all been aware of the disastrous tsunami that hit Japan and the devastating effects of its aftermath. Please pray for our brothers and sisters who are there ministering to the needs of those who are suffering and representing the true gospel of Christ. It’s in times like these that the church is called to band together and pray as one. Please take some time to pray for Japan today.

As tragic as events like these are, they also serve as a sobering reminder of the frailty of this life and the curse of death in the world. Life is short and tomorrow certainly is not a guarantee. As I’ve preached recently from the pulpit, if you knew this day would be your last, how would you spend it? The person who has a clear understanding of the brevity of life, and who understands that an eternity of heaven or hell is to come, typically will not allow sin to go unchecked in his life. He’ll live in anticipation of his coming King. He’ll represent Christ in this lost and dying world.

As we consider the hardships of those in Japan and offer up our prayers for that nation, let’s pray that God would work to turn what is a generally atheistic nation to Him. Let’s also be reminded that this life is not the end. This earth is not our home, but our citizenship is in heaven if we truly are in Christ.

In His grace,


Here are the announcements for this week:

  1. Friday Night Bible Studies. The youth and SDSU college groups will be having their regularly scheduled Bible studies on Friday night. The UCSD Bible study will NOT be meeting this week due to finals. The college group meets on campus at UCSD and SDSU at 7:00pm. The youth will be meeting at the church, also at 7:00pm. Visit the church website for more information. The singles ministry will not meet for regular Bible study as we have our annual retreat this weekend at Pine Valley Bible Camp.
  2. Sunday Service. Please pray for Peter Lim as he prepares to preach this Sunday while your pastor is away at the singles retreat.
  3. Sunday School. Because of the number of people who are going to be away for the singles retreat, we will be cancelling our Sunday School classes this weekend for both adults and children.
  4. End Times Bible Study. To coincide with our study in 1 Corinthians 15, Pastor Patrick will be continuing his Sunday evening series on end times. Come find out what the Bible says about eschatology through this helpful series. The remaining meetings will be at the church from 6:00-8:00pm on March 20 (this Sunday!), April 3, and April 17. For more information, please talk to Pastor Patrick.
  5. Men’s Breakfast. On Saturday, April 2, at 7:00am, we will be having a men’s breakfast fellowship at the church. Come out as we discuss what it means to be a man of God and enjoy a time of prayer together. Bring a breakfast item to share. Coffee and juice will be provided.
  6. Members Meeting. On Sunday, April 10, we will be having our next members meeting at 4:45pm at the church. Please mark your calendars. All members of LBC are highly encouraged to attend. As always, dinner will be served.
  7. Prayer. Don’t forget to come to church a little early on Sunday for a time of corporate prayer in the sanctuary. The sanctuary will be open for prayer at 8:45am, and prayer requests will be projected on the wall. If you are out in the foyer talking with one another, I would encourage you to remind each other of this time and come in to pray for the church.