Weekly Links (4/29/2011)

At our last ‘summit’ I noted in passing that Paul’s central concern theologically is ‘salvation in Christ’. But this is a phrase that needs unpacking. First, the supposition of ‘salvation in Christ’ is the triadic nature of God, since it is predicated on the love of God the Father, is effected through the death and resurrection of Christ the Son, and is made effective through the Spirit of God who is also the Spirit of the Son. Second, the goal of salvation is not simply the saving of individuals and fitting them for heaven, as it were, but the creation of a people for God’s name, reconstituted by a new covenant. Third, the framework of God’s ‘salvation in Christ’ is thoroughly eschatological, meaning that Christ’s death and resurrection and the gift of the Spirit mark the turning of the ages, whereby God has set in motion the new creation, in which all things eventually will be made new. Fourth, the means of ‘salvation in Christ’ is Christ’s death on the cross and his subsequent  resurrection in which death itself has been defeated. (Gordon Fee, “Paul and the Metaphors for Salvation: Some Reflections on Pauline Soteriology”. HT: Nick Norelli)

by Stephen Rodgers

So…I have some good news, and some great news for you this week.

The good news is, that due to a computer issue involving the creation of secure passwords…and consequently being temporarily without access to anything…there is no new edition of the Weekly Links.

The great news is, that if you haven’t had a chance yet to read over the special edition of the Weekly Links that we did for Holy Week/Good Friday/Easter…this is your chance to do so.

Trust me, it’s subject matter well worth reflecting on.

Thanks for your patience!

Pro Rege