The Happiest Place on Earth?

by Pastor Patrick Cho

Being at Disneyland this past week, I am reminded of the irony that this is called the “Happiest Place on Earth.” I had the opportunity to people watch a little bit as Eden napped in her stroller, and quite a few very unhappy people walked by consistently. One after the next, I was witness to angry mothers, exasperated fathers, complaining children, and crying babies. I could imagine some of these parents yelling at their children, “You’d better have a good attitude! We’re at Disneyland for crying out loud!”

It was a good reminder of a sermon I once heard by C. J. Mahaney that church is actually the happiest place on earth. C. J., I wholeheartedly concur (because it certainly isn’t Disneyland!). Church is the place where you can find Spirit-filled people who are committed to each other in love. Everything isn’t about simply looking after yourself. This is why the attitudes at Disneyland are so disappointing. It’s a park full of people who do not have a biblical, God-centered, redeemed view of love.

1 John 4:7-8 states that “love is of God” and “God is love.” Without the grace of God to redeem our minds to think His thoughts after Him, we cannot understand this. The natural man simply doesn’t get it. Love is defined by God because God is the definition and source of love. This is why if a person has not trusted in Jesus as Lord and Savior, having received the Spirit of God, he cannot truly grasp what love is. An unbeliever can have a partial understanding of love but not a full one, because the fullest sense of love can only be achieved, comprehended, and practiced in God.

It is no wonder there is so little genuine happiness at a theme park. When you are thinking of yourself, the “fun” is not really worth the long lines, hot weather, expensive food, and crowds of people. It is easy to bicker, complain, and whine. But when in Christ you are considering others more important than yourself, it’s ok to wait in a long line, bear the heat, and pay expensive prices to make sure those who are with you are having a great time.

There is no better place on earth to be than the church in order to see this demonstration of God-pleasing, selfless love. Yes, at times we lose sight of our responsibility to love others this way, but by God’s grace the church gets to display the love of Christ for the world to see.

I still enjoy spending the day at Disneyland, but not because it’s the happiest place on earth. I like the corn dogs and turkey legs. But as enjoyable as Disneyland might be, let’s not lose sight of the fullness of joy we have in Christ. Let’s not forget our call to love one another with the love of God. If we strive for this by God’s grace and through His strength and enablement, we will always rightfully lay claim to the title “Happiest Place on Earth.”