Interview with Keilah (Youth)

By Grace Wu

This month’s youth ministry highlight is an interview with Keilah, who recently graduated from her K-6 elementary school. She will finally be entering middle school as a 7th grader in the fall. She is one of the younger members of Lumos, having only been in youth for the past year.
Keilah loves to dance and enjoys spending time with her friends.

How long have you been in youth ministry?

For about a year.

How is youth ministry different from the Sonlight children’s ministry?

In youth group, we have small group and we meet twice a week for Friday Night Bible Study. There are also more activities than when I was in Sonlight. We also learned things that I didn’t learn in Sonlight.

Was it intimidating at first entering Lumos being taught so much theology?

Yeah, but after a while it made sense. Some of it was hard to understand at first but the teachers and small group leaders tried to make it as clear as possible and answered any questions I had.

What do you enjoy most about Youth Group?

I like that it’s not such a big group so I can get more individual attention. I also like the activities and the small groups.

How have the small group times helped you?

I’ve been able to share with my small group leader, and they make the sermons relevant to me for what I should do. The sermons are about the Bible and small groups help me apply the sermons to my own life.

What’s something you learned this year from youth group?

I learned about the Lord ’s Prayer and how we should pray. Sometimes when I pray I take it really lightly and I make it really brief so I can start eating. But in Lumos I learned what it really means to pray and how to understand it. I pray differently because of it. At school it’s hard to pray in front of other people, but when I think about why I’m praying it makes me unashamed of doing it.

What’s it like being one of the youngest in youth group?

I’m the only one in elementary school and everyone’s older. For the ones in high school, they have more experiences and more opportunities to apply what you learn. In elementary school, most people just tell on you the teacher and you get in trouble.

Are you nervous about starting middle school?

Yes, because there will be homeroom and some teachers might not care too much about what goes on outside the classroom.

What do you like to do for fun?

I do a lot of dance. I’m in Girl Scouts, and I like hanging out with friends. On school nights when I have lots of homework I feel really busy.

Do you have a favorite subject in school?

I like language arts and writing.