Gray Issues Part 7 – Conclusion

by Elder Peter Lim

As I conclude this series of articles on “gray issues,” I hope that the main thrust has been made clear: that this is an issue of God’s glory instead of man’s liberties. Life is certainly not about you, nor about me. For Christians, it’s all about glorifying Christ with every detail of every decision, especially in the heart. Yes, there are certain things that are clearly spelled out in Scripture as being sin, with chapter and verse. However, most issues of life are not so clearly spelled out. This lack of clarity is by God’s design so that we would struggle with them and choose to make decisions for His glory and not our own. We need to walk daily, filled with His Spirit, and be dependent on Him to guide us so that we don’t get proud, thinking that we are smart enough to make good decisions without Him. What does it tell you when the one who penned the words of Proverbs, the wisest man on earth (Solomon), fell to worldly pressures and ended up with over 500 wives and concubines?

  • Wrong conclusion: God’s wisdom isn’t all that wise.
  • Correct conclusion: Even with God’s wisdom readily available, people’s pride and lusts can lead one astray.

Questionable activities should be voluntarily avoided because… they’re questionable. The primary qualification for being a Godly man as an Elder (1 Tim. 3) is to be above reproach. That literally means not to have a handle that someone can grab on to. It would be as if someone were to bring up an accusation against you, it would be hard to believe because of your Godly pattern in your life choices. If you are not sure about a particular activity, it would be wise to get counsel from people whom you respect and trust to give you biblical advice instead of just telling you only what you want to hear. (Prov. 1:5) Remember that sin occurs before the clear sin line is crossed because sin occurs in the heart.

It is my sincere hope that this series has been helpful to you to understand God’s heart behind these issues. If we are busy spending all our time trying to think of ways to magnify His name instead of toeing the line of what we’re allowed to do or not, we would be too busy doing good to have any time left to do bad. Ironically, as we busy ourselves with God’s priorities (reaching the lost, learning from His Word, ministering to one another, discipling younger men and women, etc.) we will desire to do the questionable activities even less because we will be growing closer to Christ. Life is really meant for us to enjoy and serve God. Of course there will be difficult days but God is Sovereign and in control of them all. He is the ultimate Judge. For Christians, that’s good news. For others, that should be terrifying. I leave you with a passage of Scripture that should be eye-opening:

Ecclesiastes 11:8-9
8Indeed, if a man should live many years, let him rejoice in them all, and let him remember the days of darkness, for they will be many. Everything that is to come will be futility.
9Rejoice, young man, during your childhood, and let your heart be pleasant during the days of young manhood. And follow the impulses of your heart and the desires of your eyes. Yet know that God will bring you to judgment for all these things.