God’s Infinite Wisdom

by Elder Mike Chon

As a physical therapist I have come across many people that are regarded as brilliant in their respective specialties. Whether they are doctors, chiropractors, or other physical therapists there has always been a handful of individuals whom the rest of their colleagues respect for their wisdom and forward thinking that continues to change health care. In one respect I can appreciate the hard work and diligence that these individuals have devoted to their particular area of expertise in an effort to improve the livelihood of the patients that come to them. But at the same time I cannot get over the fact that no matter how innovative they are or how much effort they may devote to medicine or therapy, one thing no one can change is the fact that every person in this world will one day die.

No matter how brilliant a doctor might be, they cannot change the fact that the human race is infected with sin and the consequence of that is death. There is no cure, there is no surgery, there is no pill, there is no therapy that can remove sin and the inevitable consequence of death. This is where we see the infinite wisdom of God, who before the foundation of the world decided on how man can be made righteous before God. The only way was for Jesus Christ, fully man and fully God, to have to die on behalf of sinners. The one that knew no sin had to become sin on our behalf. There is no human mind that could have ever thought of such an answer to the problem of sin that inflicts every individual in this world and thereby having an answer to the problem of death. There is no other way that man could save themselves, but only could be saved by the blood of Christ. As I meet patient after patient complain about all their pain and physical ailments, I am reminded of the effects of sin each and every day. I am reminded that pain is the grace of God that allows us to feel the effects of sin and to help us realize the need for our Savior. It reminds me that for those that do not know Christ that this world with all its pain will be the only heaven that they will ever know. It reminds me to never forget the infinite wisdom of God in saving sinful men through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

For those that continue to mock the foolishness of the gospel need to point their finger back at themselves. The wisdom of man will one day show itself for the foolishness it truly is. I can appreciate the great minds that God has given to this world, but I can’t help but feel compassion to those that do not know Christ. In all their efforts to make this world a better place and to seek the applause of men they will not be any closer to an answer to sin or death than they were when they first began. In this world they were esteemed, but in the world to come they will be made fools for rejecting our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.