Lumos and Chocolate Chip Cookies

by Kristen Lim

Recently I have embarked on the quest to find the perfect chocolate chip recipe. Chocolate chip cookies are a classic and have been around for quite some time now, but I was surprised to find so many variations and websites that claimed to have the BEST recipe. As I did more research about the different types of chocolate chip cookies there were, the main categories were soft, Keebler style cookies, others a crispy-on-the-outside-chewy-in-the-middle texture, and yet others with special ingredients to enhance the flavor. But all in all, the recipes were generally the same with minor adjustments of ingredient ratios, and they all produced the same end result: a chocolate chip cookie. What does all of this have to with the Lumos Youth Ministry, you may ask? Read on to find out!

I am privileged and blessed to have been shepherded by the Lumos staff since I moved to San Diego, a total of 5 years. Back then the youth group was very small with just myself and four other youth, and the staff-to-youth ratio was at one point 1:1! My memories of high school are mostly filled with the times I spent at church on Friday nights during Bible study, Sunday school, the crazy events the staff planned for us, and most importantly the biblical sermons delivered by faithful men. Since graduating from Lumos about two years ago, I joined the Lumos staff at the end of this past summer and am humbled and overjoyed to take part in continuing this ministry of passing down God’s greatness to the current youth.

Currently the youth ministry is walking through the books of 1 John and Romans on Friday nights, and during our monthly Saturday seminars we address different topics that would be helpful in their stage of life. In previous seminars we have covered worldviews, modesty, hermeneutics, and will be starting a series on the Bible. Interspersed, Lumos has Gospel nights once a quarter, retreats, game nights, and random hangouts. As the staff plans these events, we are prayerful that these activities and times of instruction would be profitable for their souls, that we would have the same mindset as Paul in Colossians 1:28, which states, “We proclaim Him, admonishing every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ.” Our goal is not merely just entertainment, but to be intentional in the limited time we get to teach the youth about Christ both in our words and deeds, praying to God that He would soften their hearts to submit to Him as Lord and Savior, and all the while knowing that God is the one who causes the growth and we are just called to be faithful. I hope and pray that Lumos would never deviate from this mission.

From my perspective, I’ve seen the dynamics of Lumos change over the years, from staffers joining and leaving, new youth coming and others graduating, and the logistics of how the ministry was structured based on who the leader was at that particular time. Truly, ministry is about the people and not the program. During our last staff meeting, Josh reminded us about the analogy of the trellis and the vine and how the purpose of the trellis (youth programs) was to support the vine (the youth). It didn’t matter if we had an intricate and ornate trellis if the vine was dying. Since ministry involves people, it makes sense that the details and programs could change based on the needs of the current people. That’s why it’s so imperative to be flexible and ready to make adjustments, not in theology or foundations of faith, but in how we minister to them.

Now, going back to my chocolate chip cookie illustration: just as there are many different textures and variations of chocolate chip cookies, essentially they are all the same at the core. Youth group has undergone many “textures” and “variations” throughout the years, yet I’m so thankful to say that the core of the Lumos ministry has remained constant: to glorify God through teaching young men and women about our glorious savior, Jesus Christ, and to disciple them to be bright lights in this dark world. May the youth group, as well as the church body, seek to be faithful chocolate chip cookies, whether it be soft or crispy!