The Great Peace of the Christian Life

by Elder Mike Chon

As the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are coming to a close with our troops returning, we are reminded that we live in a world that is constantly in turmoil. Many of us have read in our history classes about the numerous wars that this world has experienced. There are countless lives that have been lost or affected by these wars. Presently, our world is not any better even after what it has gone through. We continue to see tragedy upon tragedy of lives being taken or affected by others. The one thing that many of us would want is “peace on earth.” On a personal level, many of us are living lives that are so hectic and busy that we are barely hanging on with our own sanity. Stress has become an epidemic in our country affecting millions of people and causing them to seek medical help to cope. For so many of us our one desire is to experience “peace in my life.” Unfortunately many seek help through psychology, therapy, vacations, money, medication, alcohol, and illegal drugs, while for some their search for peace ends in suicide. The one problem that all of us have in common is sin. That is the one reason that none of us can experience true lasting peace in this world without a relationship with Jesus Christ. Scripture teaches us that when we love the world more than God we choose to become an enemy of God (James 4:4). Therefore Scripture teaches us that we are children of wrath (Ephesians 2:3) and that God will judge the evildoer (Psalm 5:5). Fortunately for us, God did not leave us in this state but gave us an opportunity to experience true peace in this life.

Peace begins with Jesus Christ. Scripture even calls Christ by the name Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). Only if we repent and believe in Jesus Christ will we be justified. And only if we are justified can we be at peace with God (Romans 5:1). If you are looking for peace in this world apart from Jesus Christ, you will never find true lasting peace. It is only through Jesus Christ that anyone can find true peace. For those that believe and are justified, we are able to live in this world in peace no matter what the circumstances might be. We are called not to be anxious (or stressed) about anything but instead we are to come before God in prayer with a heart of thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6).

How can we be thankful in the midst of our circumstances and stress?

  1. We need to be reminded of is that we have been saved through the work of the cross. When we were once the children of wrath, now we are adopted sons of our God. Instead of being God’s enemy we have become one of his children of blessing (Romans 8:14-17).
  2. We need to remember our salvation is secure. There is nothing that can take us away from God’s care for us (Romans 8:38-39). We can be thankful that there is nothing in this world that can ever separate us from the love of Christ, even those circumstances in life that cause us to be anxious.
  3. We need to be reminded of the fact that God is sovereign. So many of us give lip service to the sovereignty of God, but when difficult circumstances come into our lives we seem to have amnesia in the fact that God is sovereign. This one attribute of God should help us be thankful even in times when we are anxious or stressed. Since God is completely in control we are reassured that what is happening in our life is meant to happen for our good and for His glory (Gen. 50:20; 1 Cor. 10:13).

What is the result of praying to God with a thankful heart when we become anxious or stressed? Does God take away the circumstances? Does God provide a vacation? Do I receive a divine timeout in life that lasts as long as I need? Does God miraculously shut the mouth of my boss like He did to Zechariah, John the Baptist’s father? Instead of changing our circumstances or even taking us out of our circumstance, God changes us. In Philippians 4:7, God promises that His peace will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. What is amazing is that no matter what the circumstance is in your life, no matter how difficult life might become, God promises to provide peace that surpasses all understanding. Have you ever seen a believer that has gone through a tremendous trial or tragedy in their life and they respond with peace? Have you heard of those being tortured standing firm in their faith? Have you seen the mother who has to raise her kids by herself who is always joyful and thankful? Have you seen the person that has to work three jobs to make ends meet but is always willing to pay for lunch? Have you seen the parents forgiving the murderer who took away their son from them? This is the peace that surpasses all understanding. This is supernatural miraculous peace that God provides in our time of need when we come before Him with a thankful heart. This is true peace. Before turning to other means to cope with anxiety or stress, may we turn to the source of peace, and come before Him with a thankful heart letting our requests be known to God. And He promises that He will provide peace that surpasses all understanding to guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.