The Great Call of the Christian Life

by Elder Mike Chon

As children, we may have had dreams of what we wanted to do when we grow up. For many of us, we went through college wondering which career choice was the best. For some of us, even after college, we are wondering what we should do with our lives. These are choices that we make based on our desires, giftedness, talents, etc. But for all believers there is one call that is common for all of us which God has given to all believers. This call is the one purpose we are here in this world to fulfill. This call is not an option, but rather a command. This call is not just for those that are mature, but is a call for all believers. This call is the means by which God saves sinners. This call is evangelism.

This call of evangelism starts with the love of Christ. It is the love of Christ that motivates us to live for Him and not for ourselves (2 Cor. 5:14-15). He has called us to be his ambassadors (2 Cor. 5:20), to represent Him to this world and to spread the message of reconciliation through Christ. The “Great Commission” is Christ’s command to us to go into the world and to make disciples of Christ. If there is anything that is clear in Scripture, it is that our call as believers is and will always be to evangelize the lost in this world. This again begins with the love of Christ. Our love for one another will be motivated by the way that Christ loved us. (1 John 4:7-11) Jesus wept during the account of Lazarus’ death (John 11:33-35), not because Lazarus died, but rather because He saw the unbelief of the Jews. He showed compassion and it caused great sorrow in our Lord when people did not believe in Him. This is the type of love that motivates believers to share the gospel to the world.

Not only do we need to cultivate compassion for the lost, but we also need to realize that evangelism is a command from God. This is not an option. God clearly calls believers to go and share the gospel to the ends of the world (Matt. 28:18-20). Whether you are a student, a professional, a laborer, a housewife, retired or a pastor we are all called to evangelize. Our calling is not dependent on our talents, giftedness, occupation, physical abilities, mental capabilities or our circumstances, but instead our calling is dependent on the one who calls. If Christ is the one who holds all things and controls all things (Col. 1:15-18), we would be wise to heed His command to go and make disciples of Christ.

Consider all the different occupations and positions a person can hold in this world. Even becoming king or president of a nation. None compares to the call to share the one and only truth that can cause someone to be saved from darkness to light. No other person or occupation can ever do that. Doctors can save physical lives but the person will eventually die. Kings can give great privileges to his people but they will all eventually die. Presidents can cause reform and make life in this world more enjoyable but the people will all eventually die. As believers, we carry with us a message that gives eternal life to those that are dying. No job or occupation can ever compare to the great privilege, honor, and passion that comes with being able to be an ambassador for our Lord. May you consider your calling today and go and share the gospel to this dying world.