Single Life Update

by Brenda Hom

After almost two years, Single Life has concluded our study in the book of Colossians. Pastor Patrick’s last message from Colossians described “Team Paul”, which consisted of eight of Paul’s companions in ministry. From Paul’s final greetings in chapter 4 of Colossians, we see that “Team Paul” consisted of beloved brothers, faithful ministers and fellow servants in the Lord (Colossians 4:7). I am amazed at how much God has taught us through studying the life of Paul and his ministry. Thank you, Pastor Patrick, for faithfully walking us through the book of Colossians every Wednesday night.

The next topic we looked at after Colossians was on the topic of pride. In the Old Testament we see the Hebrew word “gobah”, which can be translated into “haughtiness”. Also in Isaiah 9:9 and Psalm 31:18, we see another word for pride “gaavah”, which means “swelling”. In the New Testament, Pastor Patrick gave many more biblical examples where pride is mentioned. One example is in Mark 7:22, where pride, or “huperephania” is when you are holding yourself above other people, trying to make yourself look bigger and better.

The topic of pride hit home for many of the singles, especially in our stage of life. I was reminded that Jesus Christ did not choose me to represent Him because I am wonderful, skilled or smart. “But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God…so that it is written, ’Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.’” (1 Corinthians 1:27-31) Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” (James 4:6)

We learned that every sin is ultimately rooted in pride. Pride can be expressed through self-exaltation, when we believe that we are the source of our own accomplishments, or even the benefactor of what we think we deserve in this life. Self-pity is also a form of pride, because you are still consumed with thoughts of yourself. While it has been really challenging listening to messages on the topic of pride, I am grateful that Pastor Patrick has taken the time to help the Singles examine our own hearts and thoughts with Scripture. Even questions such as “Why are they getting married and I am not?”, or “Why am I still working at this job?” reveal a sinful pride in my own heart.

At Singles’ bible study, we were able to look at and examine different manifestations of pride through selected Scriptures. Some reflecting questions to ask yourself are “Can you be happy for others when they are recognized or receive something that you want?” and “How often do you question God about your life?” Manifestations of pride can be very subtle in your heart. For example, a lack of biblical prayer in your life and a lack of gratitude towards God is a form of pride. More practically, do you voice your preferences or opinions when not asked? Are you impatient or irritable with others? Do you get annoyed easily? Ask yourself these questions and you will feel small and worthless compared to God ‘s perfect glory. You will see that you deserve death as a punishment for your wretched sins.

However, God in His greatness and mercy did not leave us to die in our sins. We as Christians are dependent on Him to deliver us from our sin of pride. God has given us help to move away from pride and move towards humility. He even commands it in Scripture to “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.” (James 4:10) How do we as believers pursue humility? Pastor Patrick shares with us some ways that Christians can pursue and cultivate humility.

  1. PRAY that God would help you move away from pride and towards humility.
  2. READ the book of Psalms or any of the Old Testament prophets. A really great Psalm to read and meditate on is Psalm 139.
  3. STUDY the life of Jesus Christ because His life is an example of perfect humility. Once you study the life of Jesus, you will come to understand what sin is and learn to hate it.
  4. GET accountability. Ask others if you come across proud in any way.
  5. WORSHIP God all the time. Practically, fill your mind and thoughts of God.
  6. PRACTICE the “one anothers” by focusing on other people. How can you be a blessing to others? Do you live a “one another” life?
  7. WORK to put off pride and put on humility in your thought life, your speech, and with your deeds. (1 Peter 2:1)

With this in-depth study of pride and humility, we can take heart that there is hope in Jesus Christ to change wretched prideful sinners into humble God-fearing men and women who desire to magnify God and make Him big.